Date: 30 November, 2011

The Admin,


Sub: Press Note for kind favour of Publication.

Kindly oblige.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
(Floriano Lobo)


Goa Su-Raj Party is disturbed by the scant heed paid by the Government of Goa to the black-flag protests by the Christian Community at the opening ceremony of the IFFI at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao, to press for the shifting of the IFFI closing ceremony date which coincides with the Feast of the Patron Saint of Goa. The clash of the date of the closing ceremony of the IFFI with the Feast of St Francis Xavier . GOEMCHO SAIB .considered as the protector of Goa and Goans from times immemorial, is a mark of disrespect to Goa and Goans, who have been preparing for this dedicated day through week-long preparations in prayers and paying homage to the relict. This song and dance affair coupled with gala dinner for the tinsel world and hollow politicians violates the very significance of the day. This Party would have thought that the powers that be would have been more considerate of the sensitivities of the Christian Community of Goa the world over, but apparently this is too much to expect from this Government which bows down to the wishes of the people only if there are riots. Such is the democracy in India. Goa Su-Raj Party urges the Chief Minister, his cabinet colleagues, most of whom are the members of the Christian Community, and the IFFI's managers/organizers such as the ESG, etc, to cancel the closing ceremony and shift the same to the 4th of December to leave the 3rd of December solely dedicated to the Patron Saint of Goa. It is to be noted that this day was sought to be made a working day by the erstwhile BJP Government which originally set the 3rd December as the date for the closing ceremony of IFFI, perhaps in order to take away or rob the importance of the said date which is even respected by Goan non-Christian communities. But the people of Goa did not allow this to happen because the whole of Goa observes this day as a revered day. Hon'ble Chief Minister, Mr. Digamber Kamat, Sir. Please take note and act with sensitive caution to the crying demands of the people of Goa so that they may not punish you when you need them most.


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