China dictates to India

The Govt of China has the audacity to ask the Governor of West Bengal not
to attend the meet of Dalai lama ,The Governor rightly rebuffed by
attending andgiving a clear message of Sovereignty Obama also  faced with
similar predicament the USA ignored the threat by China Many nations of the
world pander to the threats of Chinese regarding Tibet since 1951 the
Tibetans are living as refugees earnestly hoping that their land will be
liberated The understanding with the Indian Govt, is that India reconizes
Tibet as the part of China and the Dalai lama will not be permitted to use
India as the platform to launch tirade against China  Dalai Lama is both a
spiritual leader as much as he is spiritual head Though of late has
separated from the  spiritual role China also warned the  Govt of India
from attending the Buddhist conference in New Delhi It is understandable
about the sensitivities, apprehension, fears, concerns connected with the
Dalailama, but they seem not to appreciate our sensitivities as a sovereign
Nation with their threats

The truth is that they have usurped, occupied Tibet by force and so also
Mongolia. They face fierce opposition by Dalailama his  standing and world
support by the world leaders , for  the legitimate aspirations of the
Tibetans to regain their home land. China is having designs and claiming
Arunachal territories

China is harbouring Ulfa leader, supporting Maoist with arms and fermenting
troubles in border areas and that is acting blatantly against our National

India has shown some spine in standing against the China regarding our
interestsin South China sea China  is trying to corner India with their
activities in POK and that is areal worry to India`s security interests

In spite of all this belligerence India is importing goods putting our
industries practically out of existence. India is not applying any breaks
that should send strong signals of our dissatisfaction

Similarly USA is threatening India not to sign gas transfer agreement ,
which shows our hesitations

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


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