Dear Shri Noronha,

You have made some important points in your reply to my post. I feel it is
necessary that I reply. My responses follow your statements.
* "Catholic-dominated" is a reflection of a certain disdain for diversity.


That Goanet is catholic dominated is a statement of fact.You are much
closer to Goanet being one of the Administrators and Moderators. So, please
answer the following questions:
What is the religion of the owner of goanet?
What percentage of the moderators are catholic?
What percentage of contributors to Goanet are catholic?
Why are Hindu contributors who try to contribute regularly driven out? e.g.
Anand Virgincar, Chinmay Bhandare.
Why are secular catholics such as Mario Goveia driven out from Goanet?
Why are people like Carmo(I believe that is his name) who supported
Parrikar and the BJP pilloried on this forum?

If you sincerely and accurately answer these questions, you will realise
the folly of your argument.I have no disdain for diversity of religion,
gender or thought.

(By the same logic, would you define Goa as "Hindu-dominated"? Never mind
the fact that treating religious communities as monoliths is
self-delusionary at best or an attempt at deliberately creating confusion
in the debate.)


Goa is not Hindu dominated although I do believe that if Goanet was read by
more and more Hindus, then it is possible that Goa will become a Hindu
dominated state.That would be a very sad day for me and many other like
minded Hindus.

At present Goa is not,  for the following reasons.

Goa has roughly 68% Hindus, 31% catholics and 1% Muslims, sikhs etc.


Goa has had six Hindu and five Catholic chief ministers,
Goa has had two or three catholic, at least three sikh, two muslim Governors
Goa has had a long serving Muslim as cabinet minister.
There have been catholics elected to GLA from Hindu dominated
constituencies such as Ponda (Joildo Aguiar). You would find it difficult
to find a Hindu or a Muslim elected from a constituency where the catholics
have a majority. If there is one, I will stand corrected.
There have been two catholic Deans of Goa Medical College.
Only Goan to be the Chief Secretary and Head of Govt service, J C Almeida
is a catholic.
One could go on and on.
If you consider these facts, would you call Goa Hindu-dominated?

My point is that election once in five years, fought on polarised lines,
are not the best indicator of what the citizenry wants. Everyone is voting
with their feet, when they go to English-medium schools. For politicians to
stake the future of the State and rabble rouse over this is understandable.
But for an educated person, to lend justification to this thinking?

As I pointed in my previous post, this just shows your disdain for
democracy and it does not surprise me.

Did you feel the same when you were a proud student (I guess) of Loyola's
Margao []
Or do you feel that only that lesser plebians deserve no access to an
English education?


Just a small correction first.I was never a student of Loyola. I am a proud
ex-student of Wagle High School, Mangeshi. Incidentally, this school was
built from the generous donation by Wagle - an English medium secondary
school founded by a Marathi speaking Maharashtrian. I did my education with
Marathi as MOI for the first seven years and then Joined Wagle High School
where MOI was English. I believe I had the best in education that Goa had
to offer. This option or for those who love English as MOI, the choice of
changing to English medium after just four years of primary education, is
available to all the Goan students and I do my bit to keep it that way. The
false propaganda that somehow English secondary education is only available
to Pariikar's or Shashikala Kakodkar's children is just that, FALSE.

As for your last query, the attempt to banish English from Goa's primary
education is a gift from both writers in our regional languages (who
believe the best way to promote a language is to push it down the throat of
a reluctant populace) and also the PDF khidchi, with our beloved "Tayee"
Shashikala Kakodkar as education minister, and a whole lot of honourable
others (Churchill Alemao, Luis Proto Barbosa, etc) making use of their
brief stint in power to feather their own nests. You will find one
interpretation here:


Bhausaheb Bandodkar and Shashikala Kakodkar were strong supporters of
Marathi and still had the wisdom and foresight to make education in English
medium available to all the children in Goa. When Goa was liberated, my
father had to employ a teacher to teach just three children from my village
to teach us. Yet within three years, we had teachers appointed by the
government who taught us in temple halls, rooms in private houses etc. Your
attempt to rope in Barbosa is interesting and I would like to know more
about his role.Churchill alemao and education is a hilarious thought. On
the other hand,look at the opportunistic support for Konkani by the church
authorities and diocesan schools. They were 'in love' with Konkani for
twenty odd years raking in grants from the government. Yet, as soon as a
completely un-democratic decision was taken by Goa cabinet following
threats by 'Force', some 134 diocesan schools changed MOI to english
without sparing a thought for their beloved Konkani. Who was feathering
whose nests then?

Looking back with the wisdom of hindsight, it is important to
acknowledge the role English (a language Goa did not even
have a colonial link with) plays in today's Goa. Likewise, it
is crucial to stop confusing between concepts like "mother
tongue", "official language" and "medium of instruction". If
we look at concepts like 'first language', we could arrive at
a better understanding of reality.


If the rest of this essay has the same rubbish, I am glad I never read it.

Anil Desai


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