About the MGP supporters I cannot speak, because I do not know the
circumstances of the case. Was it a caste or class battle?

To me, your disdain for diversity is reflected in your criticism of
networks where The Other (however these be defined) seem to
predominate.  If you had to make such comments uniformly about all
groupings (even though the argument of seeing identity primarily in
religious terms is basically flawed), I would have accepted your
concerns more easily.

How is one's personal faith (or lack of it) a relevant issue? Do you
decide about the religion of the posters to Goanet ("over 98%") on the
basis of their names and surnames? Would this necessarily reflect
their religious positions? Why are you obsessed with religious divides
alone, when it is a fact that we are made up of multiple, simultaneous
identities (gender, class, caste, language, region, age, skin-colour,

Why do you pick and choose names and facts selectively to gain
credence for your theories on the above basis? I think it is a rather
imagination-rich creative interpretation of facts to see Mario Goveia
as a "secular catholic.... driven out from Goanet".

Many people have left and joined us over the years. Why do you not
shed tears for any ones with Catholic-sounding names? If what you say
is true, why do a number of practising Catholics find Goanet too
"secular", or feel the need of other networks (like the Catholic-Goan
Network, for instance)?

You also seem to be dangerously trying to overlap Hindu and
independent-thinking Catholic with support for the BJP.

At the end of the day, I think it boils down to the high envy levels
among some against a 17-year-old volunteer-driven experiment in
alternative communication. One that has reshaped communication
(particularly among the Goan diaspora, but also a small but
significant section back home). So much so, that some would like to
discredit Goanet, if they can't damage it.

Whisper campaigns can cause suspicions; but people do know how to read
between the lines.

Please participate in discussions on a regular basis, if you would
like not to be seen as someone just shift a few votes and influence
public opinion at election time (like the ads before previous
elections that appeared in newspapers here). FN

PS: The BJP or MGP are not the only two "demonic political parties".
The Congress is tougher to deal with, because it is a chameleon and
claims to be "secular". Smaller regional parties have proven to be
little more than feeder channels for the Big Two parties when they
fall short of MLAs. What we need is an alert citizenry who would not
see politics merely as a voting-once-every-five-years duty, and one
which cannot be manipulated to suit the narrow electoral interests of
the parties that -- yes -- *dominate* us!


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  • ... anil desai
    • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

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