With Alfred's posts I am constantly amazed at the old-timers in Goa and
through them their second and third generations that he knows or has been
friends with or at the very least had some form of contact or other in his

Simply put, Alfred knows almost everyone in Goa once worth knowing.

Goanetters may not be aware, but Alfred in the Goa of his time, was a
well-known vagabond, rebel, in-your-face kind of mischief maker and the
scourge of all the Salcette Bamon stiff upper-lipped families that once held
sway over land and property that was valuable not for the prices that they
fetch in today's world but because of the enormous acreage they had come
into via inheritance and swindling both their Bamon and non-Bamon brothers
and sisters. Property was not all they stole. Rumors abound of some of the
male members of those families picking a lot of cherries through wile and

Note I said that Alfred was a scourge of such people and not a participant
with them. OK Alfred, my lips are sealed.

Many happy years of Swedish hedonism to our Alfred the journalist as he is
known in his native Loutulim. May his spirits never lag.



                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


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