Almost all English dailies have devoted large space to his memory The
condolence messages are a legion from who is who  in all works of life
that matters. It has evoked genuine sympathy Here are some epitaphs.
Bye Mario now make Angels laugh.Mario exits life`s canvass.Nobody is
best equipped to capture vignettes of Goan life He had eye for
details., his skills as draftsman total absence of malice. Goa`s best
ambassador. Warm wickedly humorous. and compassionate'He was deaf and
mute ever  to complain The catcher of the wry. Ate um dia Senhor.
He studied at Bangalore school ,then joined St Xavier in Bombay and
discontinued course in Architecture He hails from Loutolim and
survived by wife and two sons. Really he was not professionally
trained cartoonist He worked with TOI publication and became popular
with Illustrated Weekly. He was an artist, cartoonist, illustrator in
one.He died at the ripe age of 86 years, born in 1926   he was
cremated as per his wish after the the religious church services He
traced his roots to Sardessai family tree.He will remain an
inspiration for generations.He received national and International
fame. but he lives in the hearts and minds of artist and critics alike
and not merely in murals and frames He was bestowed with Padma Shri in
19881 and Padma Bhusain 2002. .Gerad Dcung- as  his chronicler
published 8 books His first book" Goa with love" is in third revised
and updated edition, the earlier ones were in 1963 ,1974. His memory
will be treasured for uplifting Goan culture , represented by simple
folks like baker, toddy tapper, fisher folks etc. He was an
institution in himself and simplicity was his trade mark His last pet
project the REIS Margo fort was to be inaugurated in 10days It is a
sad end of a humour filled, distinctively original genius , humble and
that makes Goa and Goans proud.
Herald devoted 9 and half pages , plus front and back pages for Mickys
Birthday Paid advertisement are outside the domain of paid news?The
front page  in screaming head line"CRISES DO NOT CREATE HERO` THEY
ONLY REVEAL THEM? Other birthday celebrations are those of Shrad Pawar
71, Tulio D souza son in law of dr W. Dsouza are eclipsing the news .
The renowned Konkani stage artist singer WILLIAM de CURTORIM 57 years
is no more . He was nursing, past serious accident injury.Relatives of
the popular snake catcher dies of snake bite. The relatives are
spitting venom for negligence by the doctors at Margao Hospicio.'Baba
Ramdev lashes out at the politicians , occupying front seats at his
Yoga seminars to buy peace of mind He wants a revolution to weed out
corruption ,casinos drugs and prostitution He has been hauled up for
plagiarizing the non political acronym GBA ( Goa Bachao Abhiyan)South
Goa Consumer redressal Forum is not functioning   for eleven months
for lack of quorum with 350 cases pending. Visiting members from North
Goa is the temporary solution lack of qorum  Canacona Higher secondary
students are demonstrating violently for confiscation of banned
mobiles in the vicinity There is no difference between using and
possession The students resort to ingenious ways to beat the system
Generally a fine should be imposed only for the use and confiscated
mobiles returned with a warning at the end of the term India Resort
Fashion week holds exibition at morjim beach in gross violation  of
ban on beach parties.
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


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