Goa Uses Anniversary to Reimagine Itself


An old stone fort in Goa built by the Portuguese, in this
1927 file photo.

          Five decades ago on Sunday, India's armed forces
          marched into Goa to dislodge the Portuguese from
          the tiny, palm-fringed colony the European power
          had continued to hold on to 14 years after much of
          the rest of the subcontinent had been freed from
          British rule.

Starting this week, India's smallest state will mark 50 years
of democracy with a series of public concerts, a photo
exhibition about its independence struggle, the laying of a
foundation stone for a memorial to the 22 Indian soldiers who
died in the 36-hour operation and the inauguration of a
restored 16th-century fort.

Associated Press Portuguese prisoners of war, captured during
the invasion of Goa by Indian military forces, at the
military barracks in Panjim, in this Dec. 28, 1961 file

The celebrations come at a time when Goa is in another period
of transition. "I think that there is a new Goa that's
emerging," said Peter Ronald deSouza, the director of the
Indian Institute of Advanced Study, who is among the
organizers of a conference examining Goa. "For 40 years, the
idea of Goa was based on its history, its ecology and its
diaspora. Now, it's being redefined as a holiday destination
for travelers."

          DeSouza's seminar, which is organized by the Indian
          Institute for Advanced Study, Goa University and
          Portugal's Coimbra University, will take a long
          view of the effects of liberation -- or the "Indian
          invasion," as the event was termed in much of the
          Western press, including The New York Times.  The
          celebrations will also be given a more serious edge
          by the Goa Arts and Literary Festival, which will
          feature several writers of Goan origin from around
          the world.  (Full disclosure: I'm participating in
          the festival, too.) The program also includes the
          release of several books relating to Goa's past and

These rather introspective events are somewhat at odds with
the place Goa occupies in the imagination of much of India.
During the past decade, fueled by Bollywood films shot in the
state, many Indians have come to view Goa as a beach resort
sloshing with cheap liquor, where the locals, who always
dress sharp because of the legacy of their Portuguese-tinged
history, do little more than loll around in the sun all day,
looking cool.

It's an image that irritates Goans -- and which they are keen
to dispel.

Many Indians "see Goa as a state that's always having fun all
the time, but there's much more to it" than the postcard
impressions, said Nandini Sahai, the director of the
International Center Goa, which is hosting the arts and
literary festival. "People here love to read -- in English,
Hindi, Konkani, Marathi and Portuguese. Every second person I
meet seems to be a writer, poet or artist. With the 50th year
of liberation, we thought it was the perfect time to showcase
this aspect of Goa."

          The state's 451 years of colonial rule -- among the
          longest anywhere in the world -- have long
          fascinated social scientists.  "Goa interests me
          because its political and cultural history is so
          radically different from that of British India,"
          said the historian Ramachandra Guha, whose book,
          "India After Gandhi," contains a detailed section
          about the Goa freedom struggle.  "The Goan
          experience of nationalism and colonialism was
          largely unknown outside Goa, and hence, I thought,
          worth writing about at some length."

That's among the subjects that will be discussed at the
conference Mr. deSouza is helping organize, entitled, "Goa:
1961 and Beyond." Goa offers social scientists the
opportunity to study "what happens when the stay of a
colonial power is of a huge duration and in such a small
geography," Mr. deSouza said. The Portuguese influence was,
as can be imagined, incredibly complex. Many scholars have
written about the conversions to Catholicism the European
nation brought in, and of the horrors of the Inquisition that

But the interaction between Portugal and India also produced
vibrant cultural hybrids in architecture, music and food.
Among the state's most famous dishes is the spicy vindaloo, a
curry whose name is thought to be a contraction of the
Portuguese phrase "vinho de alho," or garlic wine. Besides,
as Mr. deSouza pointed out, Goa was where the influence of
the Enlightenment and the Renaissance in Europe was felt much
before it reached other parts of India. As a result, the
practice of sati -- or widows immolating themselves on their
husbands' funeral pyres -- was abolished in Goa 200 years
before the British banned it in the rest of India.

          The events of December 1961 made an impression far
          beyond the subcontinent.  "It's a tipping point for
          the decolonization process in Africa," especially
          for the Portuguese colonies of Angola and
          Mozambique, said Mr.  deSouza, a political
          scientist.  "It was the beginning of the end of the
          Portuguese empire."

Fifty years on, Mr. deSouza believes that Goa is in the
middle of a great churning as it is being transformed into
India's leisure capital -- the kind of place Bollywood
projects it to be. "That has produced a whole political
economy of land, to the detriment of industry, agriculture
and services," he said. "This has begun to distort all our
institutions," resulting in corruption scandals relating to
land- use plans. "When this new Goa emerges, it will belong
to an international community, not a native community," Mr.
deSouza predicted. "It's the 0800 Goa -- it could be



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