The city of Panaji has become virtually a free-for-all. Once a
beautiful city and an attractive tourist destination, today it lies in
ruins and tatters, sullied and defaced. Governance is so bad that
anybody can come, do anything to our capital city and can simply
expect to get away with it.
A few days back, there was a meditation programme by some Swami, which
was held at the SAG Grounds, Campal. Without obtaining necessary
permissions, the organizers pasted promotional posters of this event
all over the city, thus violating the laws of the land in the process.
After clicking a few photographs, I met the Mayor and asked him to
take action against the organizers but the Mayor refused to act,
citing ridiculous reasons of "hurting religious sentiments" were he to
take such an action. Now I wonder what kind of God would want his
followers to sully and deface the streets in his name.
If you go around the city now, you will find posters, pamphlets,
notices, etc affixed all over - on the streets, on walls of Public
Buildings, on shutters of shops, on Electricity and Telephone
Department Pillars, on Street Light Poles, on trees, etc. Now apart
from the organizers of the Meditation programme, there are also
several others who have committed a similar offence, violating the
provisions of ‘The Goa Prevention of Defacement of Property Act, 1988’
and the provisions of Chapter XXVI (Sections 298, 299, 300), ‘The City
of Panaji Corporation Act, 2002 and Rules, etc.

It is a real shame to see these kinds of things happening even 50
years after our Liberation. We seem to be heading from bad to worse.
Those who are in power to act are doing nothing while the city stinks
and rots. Are we really liberated or are we liberated so much that we
can no do anything and everything we want, even violate the laws
without having to face the consequences? Everything about the present
governance stinks!
I have filed appropriate complaints with various authorities,
including the Police. Let us wait and watch whether any of these
authorities take any action against this blatant defacement of the
Photographs of the defacement of the city are available at:
More defacement pics:
warm regards,Sandeep Heble9326129171


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