                        **** Annual Goanetters Meet ****

         Annual Goanetters Meet - January 3, 2012 - 12:30 - 2pm

        Tourist Hostel, near the Old Secretariat, Panaji (Panjim)

Planning to attend? Send an email to eve...@goanet.org with contact details


Clamour and glamour for power
Just about the time for the elections, every aspirant feels he is
eligible .The old and reigning MLA`s seem to have not done enough and they
deserve to be changed, replaced and dumped .What exactly was the
desired and expected change, one is not able to be exact and specify
?.Why did we vote in  the first place, those
people against  whom, we are now spitting poison and gall. We  voted them with
full knowledge,hesitation about the credentials and our our faculties fully
intact. We did not weigh their educational qualifications, their social
commitment, character or prior contribution to the society. We were
helpless as our votes did not make any difference or blinded by
personal reasons to see their merits or worthiness It is very true
true, that in a Democracy the majority has their way, ignoring the
minorities right to say .During their tenure, we are despondent , at
best to secure for ourselves our personal agenda. Once that is
obtained , then are no complains about the larger good. If we are
rubbed in the wrong way, then we nurse a grudge , waiting for the
opportune moment to strike  and only time is the election perhaps.It
is only during the election time, we
seem to see everything red with tinted glasses. There are hardly any
loud protests during the period of the MLA`s in office. Any personal
attacks can be met with fierce and calculated offensive. With the Govt
arms,police  administration doing at their bidding, such   attempts
are  conveniently neutralised .People rarely in a group or
individually are able to take on the might of those in power and hence
the stoic silence about their promises and nonperformance Every one feels
himself or herself  to be a better alternative and to be thousands time
better to the  candidates in comparison , who are presently in the office
The official memorandums are more than often filed in political
parties archives, once the election are over and are not binding. The
best thing the
aspirants often do is to release, mostly surrogate adds to project
their popularity. Nobody is against constant change in the system, as
that alone will assure desired results. Have we not seen  even new entrants
feathering their own nests right from day one? UGDP and Save Goa.MGP
representatives have ignored the party affiliations and even deserted
the party, once elected. The propaganda generated against the
opponents during elections
is no holes barred, down right mean and all this will be forgotten soon,,
when it comes to number game to be in power. The simplest rule that
those changing parties must face reelection and resign will never be
enforced .There is always a better chance of winning on party tickets
and hence the mad rush The party considers the win ability as the sole
criteria and those who can fill their coffers.All threats will be
ignored and overruled. The financial help
extended by the parties is negligible, in fact the aspirants have to
contribute to the so called party funds, Hence win ability is totally
depended upon muscle power and financial clout. Independents, who were
elected have either merged with the party in power or extended outside
support , sharing the spoils of the office. Elected representatives
main concern is how to get reelected as many times as possible until
death and how
to generate illegal resources at every inch Some one has  aptly called
it pinch by inch. Any development is geared to that
effect, to keep the opposition at bay and win enemies by sops and
What exactly  are the hidden motives  of those aspiring to enter the
politics? Is it not power, fame, position and accumulation of illegal
wealth that attracts our attention , the standards set by the
predecessors ? Is the ability to legislate, dissect and take part in
debates the priority ?.When we look at the many of the elected
representatives to day, it is but
natural to feel, we are definitely a better alternative. But the road to
that success is paved with money, chicanery,muscle power. No honest ,
intellectual, citizen can hope for the ascent to the seat of power, without
these requisites and with the .electorate politically ignorant. In Goa
we should be better placed to exercise our franchise weighing pros and
cons .It is not
happening and and will not happen, if even that is negative or
pessimistic, myopic view
There is no harm in trying in vain against the system that is
entrenched and is becoming worst with each passing election. Round the
year the representatives
are busy ensuring their victory at all costs and decimating any sign
of resistance and opposition to their survival ,lucrative goal. When
out of office many a past legislator is left licking wounds of being
ignored and cast in the dust bin of oblivion For all the loud noises
and protests ,the parties are  still going to nominate the old faces
and ensure their win What is the remedy against the obstacle of this
nature. Will we surmount it hopefully this time around. ? Let us wait
and watch,as to how many of so called unworthy representatives will be
reelected or rejected and how many new entrants will make the grade
Our calculations may go awry, hope not, we must decide and act
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


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