                       **** Annual Goanetters Meet ****

        Annual Goanetters Meet - January 3, 2012 - 12:30 - 2pm

       Tourist Hostel, near the Old Secretariat, Panaji (Panjim)

Planning to attend? Send an email to eve...@goanet.org with contact details


The end of the world is nigh!

By Venita Coelho

Repent ye! The Mayan calendar tells us that the end of the world is nigh. 2012 is the year in which it is all supposed to go Boom, and we already have the film to prove it. I hate to be disloyal to my species, but for some time now I have been wondering if the world would not be better off if we were suddenly and mysteriously wiped off the face of the earth.

We are witnessing the largest mass extinction since the time of the dinosaurs. We lose 137 plant, animal and insect species every day thanks to the destruction of the Rainforests.

Dolphins in the Ganga are now blind from the pollution. Sharks are dying in thousands because their fins are cut off for shark fin soup and they are flung back in the ocean to die. Huge beasts like the Rhinoceros are killed for nothing but their horns. We have mined, choked and devastated everything around us.

Take a look at our own State.

If every human being vanished off the face off Goa, it would take a couple of decades to wipe out the mess they have left behind.

There’s garbage everywhere; mines that have ripped open mountains and poisoned river systems. Our beautiful beaches are now filthy with raw sewage and mountains of plastic.

It would take decades to reverse the damage if we stopped right now. And we show no signs of stopping. I have already begun to speak of beautiful Goa in the past tense and I have been here only eleven years. I find myself mournfully saying 'oh it used to be so wonderful.' Drive down NH17 and look at the mountains of garbage dumped there in the night. Walk down to Baga beach and breathe in the stench of decaying food, and take in the sight of mountains of plastic bottles hidden behind the shacks.

Travel further south and look at the huge red gashes gouged out of forest land by mining. Drive to Margao and just look at the huge concrete blocks that are coming up at the edges of the city. Just one decade and look what we have done to our land.

The Archbishop reminded us in his Christmas sermon that we are stewards of this land. It is not ours to devastate, but ours to protect and preserve. Another great man recently said 'Do not judge a people by their past. Judge them by the future that they are trying to create.' The future that a people choose to build for themselves is embodied in documents like the RP2021. It is not just a plan – it is the template on which the next 20 years of development in Goa will be built. Right now a debate rages over whether it is a decent future for our State or not, whether it does enough to preserve of protect. Look around you. The state of Goa that you see right now has been built on the foundation of one decade of RP2001.

For all those who are baying for RP2021 to be scrapped and the RP2001 to come back - Do you really want to see that monster plan get an extension? You won’t have to worry about the destruction of the world. You yourself would have called it down upon your heads. (ENDS)

First published in the Herald, Goa - January 4, 2012

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                   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

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