Hi Bernice, couldn't agree with you more. We had a similar lousy incident some while ago, when our Son and Grandson were visiting Goa. We rushed over for an authentic Goan meal, to a restaurant we thought would be 'safe' but our experience left us, needless to say, disappointed and annoyed, particularly when we were thereafter presented with a bill for R.2,350.00 for three adults and one five year old, with no alcholics drinks consumption. Our order for a plate of French Fries for the Grandson was not executed for more than 45 minutes, despite our appeals for just this one serving in a hurry, resulting in tantrums of a five year old. Additionally, the waiter said that no King Fish was available at the time, so we ordered Curry with any readily available fish. We thought that was the end of our tribulations but were horrified to receive, 15 minutes later, the King Fish curry, in addition to the Curry with Mackerals. All this palavar took an hour and half before we were finally ready to start eating!! Another friend of ours, whose Mother produces excellent authentic Goan cuisine, ordered Vindaloo and was served a nondescript Pork curry of sorts, so typical of many Goan Restaurants today!!! So much for truth in advertising.

Had a most lousy experience with Mum's kitchen recently. The wait was endless, the waiters surly, the dishes expensive for the quality.? We were served a wrong dish and to crown it all there was a rusty nail in my son's food which could have perforated his intestine had he swallowed it.? Don't care what others think but for us and friends, It's certainly a no no.



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