Dear goanet readers

I am not sure how many of you will be aware that in early February last year in 
the United Kingdom, a soup was brought out 
by Convent Garden called Goa Carnival soup. This soup was in a colourful neat 
tetra-pack, and on one side the story of 
the Carnival in Goa was printed which I was pleased to read. It was sold 
nationally in their thousands and I am certain was 
a good money spinner, did very well indeed with the "Goa" label taking centre 
stage amongst other products on 
supermarket shelves around the country.

Goa has now become a successful brand name and everyone worldwide wants a slice 
of it. The reality is we have no 
more slices to give away unless we wish to turn our land into a playground for 
the rich and famous with the local inhabitants 
taking back stage or pampering to the needs of market forces.

In the coming free and democratic elections, our community worldwide will have 
their eyes on and be looking to our 
brothers and sisters in Goa who have "personal power" to all come out in force 
and vote without the need or be influenced 
by a bribe. To all stand up and be counted. We need candidates to take office 
and work with our local community to 
safeguard our way of life and the last remains of paradise that we have and 
restore it back to us. 

Sometimes I wonder why we all left our beautiful homeland. Most of us who live 
abroad have our hearts and souls lying on 
the beaches of Colva, Calungute and Candolim to name a few. Let's hope in years 
to come we will even have a place to sit 
on our pristine clean beaches, free of litter, peacefully looking out at the 
Arabian sea at the close of each day watching a 
golden sunset.

Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey United Kingdom

8 January 2012


                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:


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