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Anti-Congressism is the common plank of those motivated by short-term
political gain.

Peeling the onion of political ideology in India is an assault on reason.
You have Hindutva rabble-rousers who held sway from 1998 to 2004. Then there
is the intellectually bankrupt Left that met its Waterloo on the India-US
strategic partnership agreement. Sitting on opposition benches, their
one-point agenda is to defeat - which is difficult - or cause problems -
which is easy - for the Congress. It is a matter of wonder how closely these
two so-called inimical forces, the BJP and the Left, have combined time and
again to oppose the Congress for short term political gain. 


There are also 1960s-style anarchic groups that include the Anna Hazare
autocratic clique and Mamata Banerjee's socially and intellectually
challenged Trinamool Congress. Plunk into the mix the personality cults of
Mayawati; the dynastic set-up of Mulayam Singh Yadav, Karunanidhi and Naveen
Patnaik; the slippery appeal of Jayalalithaa and the holier-than-thou stance
of Nitish Kumar. These are mercenary formations that will sway whichever way
the wind blows, depending on the political advantage they can derive. 

It is not clear what any of these groups stand for except opposition to the
Congress. In 1974, the great anarch Jayaprakash Narayan talked of "total
revolution" and called on the army to revolt against the Indira Gandhi
government; today Anna has subverted his fight against corruption into an
anti-Congress political movement. Talk about deja vu. 

The foolishness of the Anna band of civil society buccaneers was exposed
when the moving spirit, Arvind Kejriwal, was forced to issue a statement
that they are not anti-Congress. Earlier, when cornered by thinking people
on a television show, he said thatIndia's muchadmired parliamentary
democracy is a fraud. Such increasingly shrill utterances suggest he is
completely out of depth on the national stage. 

Meanwhile, BJP leader L K Advani led a rath yatra against money in Swiss
banks in a nonetoo-subtle bid to cash in on Anna's storm in a teacup against
corruption. Of classic RSS vintage, he believes no one remembers his other
1990 Ram temple effort which led to communal riots. So where is the
"glorious" temple he promised? He served as home minister and deputy prime
minister for the six years the BJP-led coalition was in power. Advani's
confusion was complete when he went to Karachi and lauded Mohammed Ali
Jinnah as a secular leader. 

There are many ideological fig leafs that political formations wear in their
relentless grasp for power: socialism, casteism, social justice, identity,
chauvinism, Hinduism. Scratch the surface and it all turns out to be an
anti-Congress position. As such, political analysis in India is best
conducted on a dyadic presumption: there is the Congress and there is
everyone else. 

So let's look at the Congress record. It has been the default option for the
electorate. In the past quarter century, it suffered seminal defeats in the
elections of 1989 and 1996. In each case, it was voted out of power on
allegations of corruption. Each time, a coalition of parties was hastily put
together that stood for nothing except opposition to the Congress. In both
those defeats, any objective analyst could conclude the Congress lost
because its governments undertook significant reforms that hurt the status

In 1989, an agglomeration of forces came together to restore the status quo
of inequity and discrimination that
1450053907549> Rajiv Gandhi had challenged. The motley crew of political
parties that formed the opposition put together a makeshift government that
did not last the full term; nor did they pursue the charges of corruption
that brought them to power. 

In the ensuing decade, the BJP's unbridled appeal to communalism brought it
to power: first, for 13 days in 1996; then in two desperate coalitions in
1998 and 1999. The saffron dispensation lasted until 2004 and was then
showed the door because of its misplaced nationalism that saw India conduct
nuclear tests that were replayed tit-for-tat byPakistan and because of its
insensitive "India Shining" hype. 

Since then, the Congress has held sway. The key difference is the Congress's
approach to social harmony and economic development: the phrase "inclusive
development" was introduced to the political vocabulary. In the interim,
India, warts and all, grew to be a big player in the global dialogue. Most
important, economic growth was accompanied by the largest-ever reduction in
poverty. Today, thanks largely to the growth of the middle class, the Indian
voice is heard in world forums. 

Unmindful of these achievements, the anti-Congress brigade has spread
several falsehoods: the prime minister is opposed by Congress president
Sonia Gandhi; Manmohan Singh is weak; Sonia is the real power. 

The truth is different: both Singh and Sonia are on the same page as they
have always been. There has been in the history of the Congress no better
combination. The former pushes reform in foreign and economic policy; the
latter is the conscience to ensure there is a local sensitivity to these
reforms. That is the operational definition of "inclusive growth". 

It's ironic that the anti-Congress formations should denigrate both leaders.
Singh is a highly respected economist who forsook academic achievement to
serve the country first as a bureaucrat, then as finance minister and prime
minister. Sonia, who adopted this country as her home, foreswore the office
of prime minister in 2004 and became the conscience of the government. 


The writer is a public affairs commentator.





Left and Right against the Centre 

This article appeared in The Times of India on January 10, 2012.



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