GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)® 

Tumcam Maie-mogacho ieukar. Enjoy Life - This is not a rehearsal! Konkani uloi, 
boroi, vach ani samball - sodankal. Hich Goenchi osmitai ani amchem 
khalxelponn. Goenchi amchi Konkani bhas! Ekvottachem saddon Goenkaranchem.  


Stay tuned to Gulf Goans e-Newsletter - everyday someone, somewhere learns a 

The Nuem Beach Indicates The Time Of The Year 
– Part Two
[ Continued from Part One..... ]
The Messages Keep Coming
At the Nuem beach, from June to July end, the sea is at it’s worse and no one 
dares to venture in it, but we fish from the old abandoned mining dock and we 
get lots of fish like mordoxeo, dodyare, xetkam and others, this too has a time 
period till October but by end July or early August when the ferocity of the 
sea diminishes a bit, year after year prawns (big & small) make their way to 
our shore and the fishermen from our area along with a lot of other Goan 
fishermen earn their livelihood, the sea is usually rough but they risk their 
lives for monetary gains, because prawns make our beach their temporary home 
just for a couple days or weeks depending on the currents and the state of the 
sea. We thank God that so far there has never been a fatal accident on our 
beach, as soon as the sea becomes slightly calm the prawns disappear, then from 
August end to end October it is the turn of the squids to visit our shores in 
calmer waters and believe me,
 sometimes we use to catch them even with our bare hands, they come in such 
large numbers, it is said that they prefer our sand for nesting because it is 
firmer and harder so that the eggs do no get dislodged or washed out. At the 
end of October when the sea water gets clearer and calmer the big grey and 
white crabs appear in large numbers out of nowhere, when that happens, the 
squids disappear. It’s an unexplained phenomena. From where do these creatures 
come year after year and where do they go there after, is still a mystery.
During the earlier days, at the end of summer everyone use to pull up their 
boats and did not go back into the sea till a certain day in the Hindu calendar 
called “Suttamchi Punou” (it’s a particular full moon day in the Hindu calendar 
at end July or in the first week of August, when strands of threads were 
released in the sea) when the leader (budhvont) of the fisher folks would call 
the leader (Zolmi) of the Velip community to the beach to perform Pooja and 
break a coconut (vell zogoitale), then they would all put their respective 
boats in the sea, sadly, with the price of prawns shooting up and the 
uncertainty of the duration of their stay at our beach, today this Pooja has 
stopped, as money is become the God of all.  
With the sea becoming calmer during September-October the sand that was eroded 
at the start of the rainy season slowly starts coming back automatically and by 
the end of November all the smaller rocks on the shore get totally buried under 
the sand leaving no clue of their existence, this is a yearly occurrence and no 
exaggerations. Over the years the volume of fish on our beach has receded but 
the prawns, squids and the crabs very rarely fail to visit the shores of Nuem, 
even then we have to pay a premium price for the luxury that I enjoyed until 
recently. With my illness these delicacies are banned from my diet as they are 
very high on Cholesterol, oh how I miss them ! 
This phenomena of the sand being taken away and brought back by the sea is 
indeed amazing, how and why does it happen during the same period of the year 
?  I have asked a lot of people but I am yet to get one satisfactory answer. It 
also makes me wonder, that with the sand mining going full throttle in other 
parts of Goa, how will the sea react because it certainly needs it’s sand for a 
certain period of time and then brings it back, so if there is no sand what 
will it take instead and what will it throw back ? When I think of it, it 
surely leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.
Of late we have witnessed another phenomena on our beach during the months of 
March to May, tar balls makes their way to our beach every year and it becomes 
a mess with the entire shore covered with a layer of tar and oil, which causes 
a great deal of hindrance to the locals as well as the picnickers. Even after a 
number of representations to the authorities no action has been taken to avoid 
this menace, which is slowly but surely turning into an environmental nightmare 
as humans, marine life as well as birds get affected. It has already affected 
the selfish on our beach, as we no more see the much desired mussels around the 
beach and have to venture into to the deep sea for them.  
From December to April, Nuem is the safest beach in entire Goa, and with a 
fresh water spring close by it becomes overcrowded with picnickers. The sea bed 
from the shore does not just drop down in to the sea, it’s a very gradual 
decline and hence, strong undercurrents are not experienced during that period 
of time or that part of the season. We have had just one drowning case since 
our elders can remember and that too a freak drowning, in not even knee deep 
During October to February fishing along the rocky coast in boats and canoes 
was preferred, it use to be fun those days, very often with a over 10 kgs and 
sometimes even around 20 kg fish on the end of the line (mostly 80 to 100mm 
line), it was indeed thrilling but of late, like everywhere else fish has 
become scarce and fishing tedious. There was a time when we use to not buy fish 
for months at a stretch but still have plenty at home with our fishing skills. 
Today we yearn for those thrills, those days we use to bring so much fish and 
nobody would bother asking, today by chance if we are lucky to catch one big 
fish it become the talk of our village, times have certainly changed. When it 
is time for me to return from my leave in Goa I make sure that all my fishing 
equipment (net, lines, sticks, hooks and sinkers) is securely kept in a bag so 
that when I come back next I can make use of it the straight away. On my last 
two visits I was issued a fishing
 ban by my home department because of my health condition but if all goes well, 
on my next visit I should be able to get the ban revoked. 
There is one secret though I would like to share with fishing enthusiast; sea 
fishing is idea when the water is slightly warm, with slight or low intensity 
westerly winds as the tide starts to come in especially late in the evening 
(dusk) or early morning (dawn), the incoming tide is very important, that’s 
mostly when we go for fishing in our canoes.            
The people who have visited Nuem over the years and in different seasons can 
vouch for what I have written, and if anyone has doubts please feel free to 
visit and see for yourselves but at your own risk ! 
I can assure one and all that although the seventh wave has a mystery about it; 
it’s certainly not a myth and I can safely say that looking at our shore and 
the activities therein, we can actually tell what time of the year it is ! The 
messages keep coming from our shore if one is observant enough.  
Freddy Agnelo Fernandes   
Nuem, Goa/Dubai
Freddy Fernandes <> 

 The First Online Konkani Music Station - Started on March 14, 2000



Josse Fernandes of Kuwait Goans receiving man of the match from Bosco Leitao 


TAG s Dance Competition
Tiatr Academy Goa will organize its 1st Dance Competition with choreography on 
Konkani songs.

The prescribed application forms are available in the office of Tiatr Acadmey 
Goa, Block A, 2nd Floor, Campal Trade Centre, Campal Panjim.
The last date to submit the application is 23rd January 2012 during office 

TAG s Dance Competition
Tiatr Academy Goa will organize its 1st Dance Competition with choreography on 
Konkani songs.

The prescribed application forms are available in the office of Tiatr Acadmey 
Goa, Block A, 2nd Floor, Campal Trade Centre, Campal Panjim.
The last date to submit the application is 23rd January 2012 during office 


Konkani Video on You Tube 


With best compliments from Goan Cultural Centre Kuwait 

Start the New Year with a Commitment to Prayer... 

Introducing from the first week of January 2012, the Family Prayer Book: OREMUS 
(Golden Jubilee Edition) which will help all to rediscover the rich tradition 
of Catholic prayer. This treasury of prayers and devotions consists of the new 
English translation of the Mass, how to pray the Rosary, traditional novenas & 
litanies, Stations of the Cross, Eucharistic Adoration prayers, daily prayers, 
traditional prayers, seasonal prayers, inspirational Psalms, prayers for the 
family, prayers for the holy Catholic Church, prayers for special needs & 
occasions and much more... 
Features of the Prayer Book include: 

Imprimatur by H.L. Bishop Camillo Ballin, mccj 
Over 300 pages in colour & large print 
Presentation label & 3 coloured book markers 
Special price offer of KD 1 (only for the month of January) 

Janus-faced? Manmohan and Advani at a function in Delhi. 
(Photograph by Tribhuvan Tiwari)

Games That We Played

Do you know you know to play Tabblam or Gulianim? No! These are not the latest 
video games, these are traditional game which we Goans used to play before the 
advent of computers and play stations. Forget the rules of games, the younger 
generation must have not even heard of these games. With less a...
 LAST GASP: Election Time is Carnival Time in Amchem Goa. Enjoy. 
But ensure that you vote for the right candidate.!/2012/01/election-time-is-carnival-time-in-goa.html


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