Further to this response. We are aware of many great posts that are not being sent to Goanet or Goabookclub, for fear of remarks such as these, which can cause hurt and unpleasant feelings. We have been in Goa for just a few months and have met some great posters. When we enquired why they do not write in their wonderful stories, they said exactly the same thing – the fear of being told that "they blow their own trumpet", in many different ways, of course.
We do not need a response to this. It is a fact.
Betsy and Richard

Dear xxxxx,
Apologies, it was an advert that we copied. We have had no dealings with this Agency nor has there been any 'commissioned' self interest that fired us. As for blowing our own trumpet, yes indeed we have .... and why not? We are proud of what we have done and have achieved !!
Thank you and kind regards,
Betsy and Richard Nunes

Dear Richard and Betsy Nunes

Instead of answering Augusto's very pointed question "Have you by chance used this agency and are recommending it? " you choose to thank him and then go on to blow you own trumpet about yourself and what you did for whom. Matter-of-fact, who knows, may be your recommendation might get me the Booker. But my question to you Richard and/or Betsy is this: On what basis do you recommend the publishing house to budding writers? Or is it just 'commissioned' self interest that fires you. Please get your answers straight and clear.
Thanks and regards


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