Rose...Rose....Oh dear Rose....

How can you be so have not alloted any of Melvyn's moments
to Cecil...and their post-feni...past midnight accrobatics on girls' scooters 
disturbing poor buffaloes' slumbers...

Alfred, Chacha...

> Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 15:29:59 +0100
> From:
> To:
> CC:;
> Subject: [Goanet] Going to Goa need not be a ceremony (by Rose Fernandes)
> Dear goanet reader,
> As soon as Melvyn said "Going to Goa need not be a ceremony" I knew exactly 
> what he meant. We would soon be in the 
> throws of a ceremony to top all ceremonies? 
> Was I right! Our lounge is like a scene from Cadbury's Chocolate Town, 
> Christmas treats on one side and Easter treats 
> on the other. Eight boxes of Kinder Eggs, four to surprise children on 
> arrival and four to be kept as "spares" in case he 
> has forgotten their birthdays. He has divided his suitcase into a piechart 
> with percentage allocations of 50 kgs for our 
> families and close friends. 5 percent of 50 kgs has been kept aside for two 
> "drip and dry" shirts and two "drip and dry" 
> trousers. Let's pray the Monsoon rains don't come early as he will be meeting 
> Frederick more "drip" than "dry".
> Talking of meeting Frederick (who does not know about this yet), I have never 
> seen Melvyn so excited. So excited that 
> every time he speaks about it, the venue and food has changed. First Melvyn 
> said he would like to have a breakfast 
> meeting with Frederick at Antonio's beachside shack. Next it was lunch at 
> Teamas. The other day he was talking about 
> tea with tea time snacks at Xaviers. My gut feeling (and I am never wrong) is 
> that eventually they will both end up at Mum's 
> Kitchen for a relaxing dinner and to find out what is going on there. Unless, 
> of course, this meeting lasts for 12 days in 
> which case we will be having an unofficial "very restricted goanet service".
> One of the joys of Melvyn going to Goa is that I have an excuse to shop. 
> Yesterday I purchased a tiny travel kettle with 
> two mugs, ideal as Melvyn's close friend will also be on holiday with him. I 
> stuck a warning label on it "check electricity 
> supply before use". From my experience in Goa, regular as clockwork, 
> electricity loses its spark at about 6pm, just the 
> time you want to heat up something to eat or drink. However, I am not 
> anticipating this will be a problem as Melvyn will be 
> sitting in his balcao, sipping feni, watching the sunset over the Arabian 
> sea, certainly not watching a kettle boil.
> With all the recent reports coming out how busy Goa was over Christmas and 
> the New Year, all our friends have now 
> returned to tell us their khobor. One said that he felt paradise was more 
> inside his home than on the streets of Goa. Now, 
> that is definitely saying something.
> Apparently there were lakhs of people everywhere. How did supermarkets cope? 
> Did they order enough lakhs of sweets, 
> wrapped in brightly coloured red paper, to give out in change? You will 
> remember I wrote a story for JC to enjoy over 
> green chai the other day how I was given one red sweet for one rupee of 
> change.
> A film coming out soon "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" has a line in it 
> "Everything will be alright in the end so if it not 
> alright, it is not the end". Well, my end is not here yet, Melvyn still has a 
> few more days left in the cold, and I am keeping 
> my fingers crossed that pilots in India are not on strike.
> Rose Fernandes
> Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom
> 16 January 2012
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                        Protect Goa's natural beauty
>                     Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve
>   Sign the petition at:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:

  • ... Melvyn Fernandes
    • ... Alfred de Tavares
    • ... Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
    • ... Roland Francis
    • ... Melvyn Fernandes

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