Individuals should never venture to be bigger than the political party they
belong to. But this is exactly what we are seeing within the Congress party
in Goa. Politicians trying to form their own groups within the party. It is
infact parties within a party. If this current trend of dynasty politics
continues a handful of families may soon hold the reigns and take this
State from disaster to doom. Dynasty rule is contrary to the very tenet of
democracy.  If these tendencies are not curbed or nipped in the bud such
leaders could be a liability and hold the party to ransom.

Despite being in power for so many years, not having their own “Congress
Bhavan” is evidence of their lack of concern for their party. They still
languish in that rented hole opposite the Panaji ferry wharf which was
given a long overdue face lift some years ago. The office only comes alive
at election time with the scrambling and squabbling for a party ticket. But
finally only the powerful and well connected make it while the loyalists
are destined only to lock and unlock the Congress office while also having
to ensure that it is kept tidy and going. And where party indiscipline and
internal bickering is concerned the Congress in Goa has no competitor to
match. Even a tanker of fervicol will not bond them together.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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