Support Fr Bismark

Ripples were caused all over Goa and more so in Goa’s political pond,
when Fr. Bismark, a Catholic priest announced his candidature for the
forthcoming Assembly elections in Goa, it could yet cause history in
Goan politics. Initially there was a mixed reaction from Goans when
Fr. Bismark expressed his desire to contest elections. People,
especially the Goan Catholics were not sure how to digest the absurd
idea of one of their priest jumping into the quagmire of Goan
politics, knowing fully well the filth and the immorality that thrives
therein. But two week down the line people have a changed perception
as truth prevailed over mind-set and they realized the futility of
trying to change our appalling and squalid system from outside the
system and now most have welcomed the idea of a Catholic priest in
Goa’s Vidhan Sabha. We have been complaining for far too long that a
rotten apple spoils all the good apples in a basket but here we could
yet be witnesses to a good apple changing the bad ones for a change,
anyway it is high time that spirituality permeated the walls of our
Vidhan Sabha and restored its sanctity and sanity as well.

Fr. Bismark as a socio-environmental activist needs no introduction;
his actions and his work speak for itself and his commitment to the
Goan causes. He has been leading the aggrieved people from the front
in the fight against corruption; the anti peoples policies and the
environmental degradation. It is not just we the Catholics but the
whole of Goa is proud of Fr. Bismark and his principles. He has been
such a revelation in this otherwise horrid situation, that it isn’t
even surprising that he commends such huge support from even the vast
majority of the non Catholic community, which shows that, if we can
come up with some good and credible candidates, our people will
support them, irrespective of which community they belong to.

The Church Authorities in Goa have been mute about the situation and
have refrained from making any statements in the case of Fr. Bismark’s
candidature. I only hope the Church Authorities will not see the
actions of Fr. Bismark as challenging the Authorities but on the
contrary as of service to the Goan society and the environment who are
both victimized and ravaged by our very own who were elected to work
for the wellbeing and welfare of Goa and Goans. In the Church today we
have doctors, lawyers, scientists, scholars, social workers and other
professionals working for the betterment of society, so why cannot we
have Fr. Bismark, a priest as a politician in Goa ? As a politician he
will still be serving the people of Goa and the land of his birth and
it could have enough influence to restore the ever flagging
credibility of Goan politics and our faith in it too.

Fr. Bismark has been a source of inspiration to many young and the old
with not just his fiery speeches but also his keenness to walk the
talk as well. His honesty, dedication and integrity are beyond
reproach as we know how he has stood up against his own institution
and our corrupt politicians, in keeping with his principles. There is
no doubt that he has all the attributes to be a very good politician
and a person who has such courage and conviction as he does, he could
be the much awaited source of metamorphosis for healthy Goan politics.

On 21st January 2012, a meeting was held at the Sea View hotel Dubai,
by the NRG’s from Cumbarjua constituency and their well-wishers,
pledging their support for Fr. Bismark as the candidate for their
constituency for the forth coming Goa Assembly elections. It was
wonderful to note that the NRG’s though far away from home, still love
Goa and want the much needed change in Goa’s political arena. It was
indeed good to see Goans together and united for a common cause. I
wish to congratulate Cumbarjuemkars for the initiative they have taken
to support Fr. Bismark as their candidate for the forth coming
elections and wish them all the very best in their endeavor and I hope
other Goan across the globe will take this as a cue and work to garner
support for a worthy candidate of their own constituency.

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