Bernardo de Sousa wrote an excellent and well
meant post. Nelson Lopes also wrote an excellent post from the
freezing climes of NE USA. My good friend ex-Capt Gerald Fernandes has
suddenly (and unfortunately) gone silent (on this list, at least).


I invite Bernardo to read Nelson's most recent post.

Now, to Bernardo's post:

[1] I (partially) agree with the following:

(a): "The so-called winnability of a candidate .... depends on his or
her “kam korunk” ability, a criterion that is intrinsically linked to

I suggest that Anyone in doubt, please contact Tony Correia- Afonso in Benaulim

I'd like to add that Winnability also depends very significantly upon
Caste and Religion. Anyone in doubt, please review the infamous
VideoCD from which Manohar Pontius Pilate Parrikar washed hands after
it "ran into trouble". And the blame was so "brilliantly" assigned to
a Non-Catholic Katlick puppet on a string.


[2] I need further information on the following, before I comment :
"the US is heading towards ruin because Americans vote with their

Would appreciate a clarification of that comment and support for that statement.


[3] I disagree with the following

(b) 'Goans need to either change their paradigm or put up with it but
please stop complaining about it.'

Gerald was right when he stated that Goans have been emasculated. He
was, of course, wrong as to WHICH masters truly emasculated Goans for

Bernardo may wish to think again: Are Goans the decision makers in Goa
or even in the Goan elections? And what has happened to the so called
'honesht' candidates AFTER they were elected? e.g. Farrel, Luizinho,
Matanhy etc?

(c) Goans deserve a corrupt administration, so please stop complaining

Goans did not and do not deserve it. It is their Karma. So, perhaps,
they should stop complaining about it BUT only because they can do
NOTHING about it.

BTW: Your guide is excellent - Hope the "decisive Migrant Vote Banks"
and the "Caste Banks" will even get to know about your guide, forget
seeing it, reading it or even considering it.


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