Ann, there is nothing wrong in Priest of Christians, Imam / Mullah of Muslim
and Bhatji of Hindus joining politics! Let's motivate them to enter politics
so that we will get government ruled by religious philosophy rather than
dirty politician's philosophy. Once we achieve this, and to accommodate
politicians, let's make all these dirty politicians the preachers of
respective religions, what say?
I think, one need not become MLA or MP or head of any political body to help
poor and the depressed. The drive to help them should come from within and
not through the position one holds in government. On the bad
mango in a basketful of good .spoils all the mangoes.this saying still holds
well.  Fear is... one honest priest in a gang of dirty politicians might
also turn out to be like them!

Best regards,
U. G. Barad

I find there is nothing wrong if a priest joins politics and contest
elections and even get elected. What is important is that he once when he is
elected live like a christian in all his ways. he works for the poor and
downtrodden. He lives like Christ lived on earth. What is wrong in this ? I
fully support Fr.Bismark and request other priests instead of doing nothing
to help the poor and the depressed join the government become MLAS,
minsiters. At least we will have honest ministers and there will be lot of
development in our villages and cities

Ann Marie Fernandes


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