'Why did they let Lyvita Gomes die?'
By: Samarth Moray
Date:  2012-01-22
Place: Mumbai

Three weeks after Mumbai-born Lyvita Gomes died from starvation, after going on a hunger strike to protest her arrest, her brother asks authorities why he wasn't contacted

The shocking and tragic story of Mumbai-born Lyvita Gomes, 52, who died in the US, after reportedly going on a hunger strike to protest her arrest, has left her brother in much grief and anger. While Gomes' funeral will take place in the first week of February in Illinois, her brother Oydsteven Gomes, who works as a media professional in Mumbai, in all likelihood, will not attend the event. Oydsteven is afraid that their only other family member, their 94 year-old father, who lives with Oydsteven and has not been told about Gomes' death, will need to be taken care of.


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