Voices of Goans through my thoughts
Julian D'Cruz

JULIAN D’CRUZ One more feather has been added to the laurels of literature with the release of ‘ Voices of Goans through My Thoughts’. The speciality of this book is that its self published by one of Goa’s daring sons of the soil whom all will agree, has through this publication, checkmated what Goa is getting famous for: its “ corruption overdrive”.

The 230- paged book is a compilation of what the author and South Goa based journo, Nisser Dias, has penned vociferously in Goa’s local daily The Gomantak Times over the last two years. He has selected 44 of those articles to publish his first book for all who love Goa and hate to see it reeling under politicos who only pretend to love Goa. Whether social issues, environment, sports to more complex issues of legislation, law and order, education, the author has brought out how politicians can be petty or manipulative to serve their own interests when in reality they have been elected to serve you and me. It is even more infuriating, rather, amusing, to know from Dias’ book how many of our politicians have even tried to sabotage issues or steal the limelight when the spotlight is not even focused on them.

There are several other chapters in this book which takes a dig at almost all the present day politicians and a must read is what Dias has entitled ‘ Birds of a feather, flock together’. ‘ Voices of Goans through My Thoughts’ does not spare the State’s police force and the book has a section on Goa’s policing. These will send chills down one’s spine on reading all about how the law enforcers in Goa are themselves unlawful in their behaviour. Any reader will feel anxious for the safety of his mother, wife, daughter and the womenfolk when they find out how women are treated by cops in and out of police stations subjecting them to acts of violence, sexual assaults and much more. What is even more shocking is to note how police personnel whether PSIs or PIs involved in horrendous offences have been promoted instead of being suspended or sacked.

Worse still, Dias’ section on Goa policing will send your head spinning over the fact that the men in uniform are drug peddlers and also involved in money laundering and circulating counterfeit currency. Despite being caught on camera, they still continue to hold office.

Dias has raised hardened queries to the political captains on all such issues even slamming the chief minister for only protecting his ‘ kodel’ and allowing mass scale destruction of Goa on all fronts. The author firmly states that the present cabinet has no right to celebrate Goa’s golden jubilee.

‘Voices of Goans through My Thoughts’ has however hailed social activists and many others who are the rays of hope to save Goa of dying from the malignancy of corruption. It has saluted brave heart Goans for attempting to march on the streets and to prove that we are no longer going to be ‘ susegado’ under any government which refuses to serve us in letter and spirit. Dias has expressed in his book and through his articles the frustrations, anxieties that we feel and queries that we generally raise but have no platform to give vent to or voice only because we are just ‘ aam aadmi’.

Call it ‘ write in time’, ‘ Voices of Goans through My Thoughts’ is out on the eve of assembly polls in Goa and all candidates will have to be cautious while campaigning. The book carries the bitter truth about Goa’s political history and no politician dare to hoodwink the Goan electorate on any issue.

Priced at Rs 299, the book is a prized copy any true hearted Goan must want to possess and add to his collection of good literature and reference material.

The book will serve as a testimony for future generations who will look back one day and wonder what went wrong for Goa and Goans even after they drove the Portuguese away!

Source: http://www.epaperoheraldo.in/Details.aspx?id=3163&boxid=25338765&uid=&dat=1%2f22%2f2012

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