Quest For Benaulim

With both Micky and Churchill out of the fray in Benaulim, it has
opened the chance of a battle royal between three new comers, papa’s
girl Valanka Alemao and the two hard working self made men Dr Hubert
Gomes and Caitu

Papa Churchill Alemao has been fighting tooth and nail to push his
daughter into politics for quite a while now, initially papa Alemao
threatened to bring down the Congress Government when Ms Valanka was
refused a ticket by the Congress for the Parliamentary election, then
again papa Alemao and uncle Alemao nearly got evicted from the
Congress for creating a ruckus when Ms Valanka was disqualified from
contesting for the coveted Youth Congress post for using papa’s
political clout for support but still the Alemao clan have not given
up hope for a ticket, not just for Ms Valanka but for cousin Yuri as
well, so that Goan politics can be a family affair for the Alemao

After months of inaugurating hot-mixing of roads and the distribution
of sarees and food items now comes the testing time for the new comer
to the ugly world of Goan politics, Ms Valanka has the blessings of
political history in her family, her own dad and uncle are ministers
in the present coalition Government in Goa, who more than once tried
to dislodge Digambar Kamat from the CM’s chair to make way for the
elder Alemao sibling to take over but so far failed at every attempt,
so now reinforcements are sought in way of seats for Ms Valanka and
Yuri to increase their bargaining or blackmailing power but what
bothers me most is, why should these two young kids be thrown into the
fiery ring of Goan political fire, when they could have had good
employment opportunities as watchmen at Rahejas ?

Ms Valanka, though supposed to be a lawyer, has been riding piggyback
on papa Alemao’s broad back all through her advent into Goan politics
and papa Alemao has been seen constantly watching and guiding her like
a hawk but she has nothing of her own accord to show for, as her work
of art or achievement. People have also questioned her source of
income, she has tried to buy vote by distributing goodies to people in
her constituency, she has not been practicing law so from where does
she get her income ?

On the other hand Dr Hubert is also a new entrant in to Goan politics,
who at first did not have any political ambitions, he was contented
and secure in his profession but his involvement in the social welfare
of his people woke him up to the reality and the unhealthy state of
affairs in his constituency and Goa, the realization of the levels of
corruption prompted him to be a part of the system to clean the
rotting system. It’s a fact that we have to be in the system to
rectify the system, as trying to clean the system from outside the
system is not just possible. Since then he has promised to fight to
bring about the much required change in his constituency as well as
Goa, and we all know how generous Dr. Hubert has been to the poor and
the needy and involved in the constructive developmental plan of his
constituency. Dr. Hubert has proved time and again what he stands for
and the people of Benaulim have realized that in him there could be a
chance to contribute to the constructive development and preservation
of Goa and our Goan Identity.

Dr. Hubert does not have a father or godfather who is a politician at
present and he certainly does not need one nor does he dance on the
inherited fortune of his family through legal or illegal means. He is
a determined professional who is totally humane, honest and a sincere
man and that is the difference between Valanka and Dr. Hubert. So Dr.
Hubert should be the ideal choice of the people of Benaulim.

There are two others who vying for the Benaulim constituency, John is
one of them, we all know after a close fight in the last elections, he
did garner a lot of support then but today with allegations and his
being in and out of jail for a considerable time for an alleged
attempted rape of a foreigner, has hurt his image even though the
court has given him the benefit of doubt for lack of sufficient
evidence but will he manage to garner the same support that he had at
the last election? It is no secret that he has vengeance in mind as he
had been blaming Mickey for framing him is the rape case, rumours are
that he is in the Churchill camp now and that he is using John to eat
into the votes of Dr. Hubert and Caitu.

Caitu is another self made man who has been a strong Mickey supporter
from the very beginning and hence rewarded with GVP ticket, the Gulf
returned is know to be a good person and even though his financial
power is nothing compared to the two former MLA’s of Benaulim, even
then he has been involved in social work and Panchayat affairs in
Benaulim and is said to have good support, he certainly looks on the
anti Alemao and anti John feelings in Benaulim to take him to success
but he may be at a disadvantage because of his links to Micky whose
image has suffered very badly over the last two years.

If information received from sources is true then it looks like it’s
going to be a tough fight in Benaulim and in a four way tie, there is
no certainty who will win, as votes that will be disbursed and
divided, as they will be eating into each others votes. If Mickey and
Caitu are really interested in defeating Valanka, they should withdraw
and support Dr. Hubert because if it’s a two way contest than Dr
Hubert will surely come up tops. John on his own will not be a threat
to either Valanka or Dr Hubert.

On the other hand, if things go as planned for the Alemaos and they
win all the four seats then be assured that the oversized butt of
Churchill Alemao will surely be perched in the Chief Minister’s chair
of the next Goa Assembly and as such miners and builders will go on
rampage and have all the fun for the next five years, we just don’t
want that to happen, do we ?

Vote for clean and good governance down with the Alemaos.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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