*Why BJP has No Voice against Monsarette*

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Nothing illustrates better the political cross-currents, special interests
and short sighted super- Memorandum of Understandings (MoM) (also known as
Money of Understandings when translated to financial terms) now at play in
one of the greatest political Election carnival of Goa than the debate over
the BJP’s soft corner for Monserratte.

After being embroiled in several high profile acts, controversies never
seem to dodge the Monserrates Mansions. The latest being the kickbacks from
land conversions amounting to Rs.26 crores and being substantiated by
various media sources. He has hogged the limelight with his sensational
arrest at Bombay airport where in it was first time in international
history that an Education Minister acted like an illiterate and feigning
ignorance on travel and currency issues when being questioned by customs
sleuths. The past too is never forgotten like the stoning of police
station, the alleged Miramar scandals and the alleged rape of a German
underage girl. However the BJP which is well known to bring the Parliament
to standstill on corruption as well as the ‘’Aam Aadmi’’ to despair when
they support bundhs sponsored by the lunatics from BBSM, they forget all
the corruption and morality when it comes to the Godfather Babush. And
although Parrikar keeps throwing surprises like a frog croaking when the
first showers lash Goa, his talks about proofs and filing cases are
restricted mostly during elections time. Moreover nothing progress beyond
this stage. This definitely indicates that they don’t even have a firm
voice against Monsarette.

The truth lies in double standards apparently on corruption and criminality
and I think BJP has a lot more to answer to the Goan electorate in addition
to cancellation of Holidays holy to the Catholics as well as the
controversial release of CD. I don’t think that anyone will contradict my
views of cats being scared of rats in Taleigao. Goans feel cheated by the
no love lost by the BJP towards their former cabinet colleague and a former
TCP minister even though BJP has always been a toilet paper to Babush which
was demonstrated very well when Parrikar was unceremoniously and rudely
thrown down like a humpty dumpty who could never be put up again.

Anyway this is Goa where we live and there are non-stop tiatrs where
gullible electorate gets entertained by classical actors and jokers and
sometimes fooled (in the name of Dynamic Social Workers or leaders of
Ramponkarrs or for that matter even promises of a Special Status) very
often but rarely once in a blue moon….. oops! I mean 5 years.


Rupert Coutinho


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