On 8 February 2012 20:06, Francis Rodrigues <fcarodrig...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Curious question -
Was it a Hindu snake or a Christian snake? Would it by any chance also
be named Jose? (a fairly common surname in Kerala)


Mogal Francis,

It is such a pleasure to read from you - once again.

You are right. It is, indeed, a curious question.

I submit that the snake (in the story) was probably a Commie atheist.

For, if the snake was really a Christian or a Hindu, it would not have
bitten the hand that supported it.

Let me leave it at that and not get into commenting again about World
Goa 2008 for which Lisette Saldanha worked so hard, and the snakes
.....(Google and GX will do the needful)

Finally, Jose is indeed a known surname in Kerala. You will agree (I
trust) that there is a difference between "name" and "surname".

I have a very good friend in Toronto. His name is Mervyn Lobo. If you
bump into him, do say Hi to him for me.


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