Raiding priest: Why this Kolaveri..

Somehow, I feel, the above incidence has unnecessarily blown out of proportion.

Haven’t we read or heard that IT officials or Police officers for that matter, 
raided someone’s residence only to find nothing all?

If they didn’t find what they were looking for, all they have to do is say 
‘sorry..we were only doing our duty’  

We may be lawyers, engineers, teachers, politicians etc but we are ‘Citizens’ 
first and as such all citizens are subject to the same law.

Let us not make exceptions on the basis of religion, caste, tribe etc.
Or else, there be others who take advantage of the situation and may 
use their religious premises as a hub for storing material meant for terrorism 

Get on with your work and let them do theirs.
Innocents have nothing to fear.

Where is the ‘forgiveness’?
We should be learning about it from the godmen themselves.
But ref.various news items with pics (see blog), it looks like the priest has 
firmly put his foot down rather the parishioners as reported.

For more –  My point of view..

Talking about the priests..

Haven’t we heard or seen some priests known for amassing wealth for themselves, 
their families (including mistresses if any)?

Haven’t we heard some priests owning properties, flats, cars, two wheelers etc?

Haven’t we heard some priest lending money?

Haven’t we heard about the 80 lakhs found at one priest’s Church residence?

Haven’t be heard or read of some priests who are into donating (donation out of 

Haven’t we heard of some priest involved in politics and openly supporting 
their favourite political parties and candidates? 

So,  why this rage?

I mean, why this Kolaveri..?
This incidence should not stop any one from reporting poll related misdeeds in 
you area.  No matter who the person is,  just report it  (see 1950 below) but 
at the same time let us use the service sensibly i.e. no hoax calls, no peronal 
vendetta etc 


It reminds me of a London incident..

We just got off the bus and walking in the street leading to our homes (half a 
km from bus stop). We were carrying large chained/leather bags. Mine was bigger 
than the other neighbour.  Suddenly, a speeding police car from behind stopped 
right in front of us.
‘Sorry, we need to search your bag (my bag only).. there is theft in the city, 
the information we got fitted your description’.  
Go on then (I submitted myself, my bag I mean).  
It took him only few seconds to search because all he found inside 
the bag was grocery items like fruits and vegitables and no shoplifted item 
they were looking for.  They did apologise..but then I said ‘don't worry, I 
understand, you were only doing your job’.
I could moan about them harassing me or discriminating on ethnic grounds though!

thank god, BJP is not ruling or else, 'Raiding priest' would have been 
definitely added to the existing infamous list of  SFX, Good Friday etc 
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