Carmen Miranda <> wrote:

1:  I am puzzled as to why is it that Mathany with his credentials,
activism, experience, know how and popularity in Curtorim could not
stand as an ethical independent ?

2: What is it that a national party can do in this particular case,
that this particular candidate could not do all by himself to win in

3: Why join BJP or Congress or anybody?


It is possible that Carmen knows of the result of Matanhy's
immediately previous attempt at running as an 'ethical independent'.

>From what I know, the "ethical" part got a beating.

In the previous "House", Matanhy was 'famado' as being a closet BJP -
propping up the coalition without joining it officially. It would have
been better if he had joined the BJP-led coalition, got himself into
the cabinet and done something for the folks who voted him in.
Instead, he tried to play safe. He even stayed very silent when some
very strange things happened i.e. Alleged forgery wrt the then
speaker, the manhandling of a member and the infamous VideoCD
incident. [ One will notice how slight-of-handedly, Geraldo Oliveira
is trying to brush off the VideoCD stuff. He must believe that all
Goans are stupid. ]

To his credit, however, Matanhy in 2012 has decided to be open about
his political leanings and calculated political benefits. He could
have easily done the Wilfred Mesquita, but he did not.

I wish him well and I hope he is able to get into a position to do
something for the people of Curtorim.

The 'rock and a hard place' scenario is this: If the BJP does not
secure an absolute majority, the horse-trading of the past will return
and more Monster-Rats (about whom the BJP are now complaining) will be
created. The other jumping-jacks (about whom the BJP are also
complaining) are also likely to be welcomed back "in the interest of
providing Goa with stability and good governance".

If the BJP secures an absolute majority, the nagging doubt - based on
what goes on in other BJP led States - will remain. This is in special
reference to the Moral Policing.

In both the above scenarios, "the stuff" will continue. Same stuff,
different/additional rats - perhaps at different speeds.

Anybody has a log of How much Goa taxpayer funds were spent on
Chintaks, Baitaks and other Dilliwalla and Dilliwalli Vijits to Goa
(Governor's residence and 7-star Hotels) since 2000?

Now Carmen, I hope you will understand my growing cynicism and near
total disbelief that anything significantly beneficial will happen to
Goa at the hands of the politicians.


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