[1]  Pandu Lampiao <pan...@gmail.com> had written:

 "One remembers quotes from the clever Dr. Jack Straw, a former UK
minister who famously REFUSED to TREAT patients with their head

[2] Upon prompting, he corrected his tail (tale) but only partially by stating:

"True, I stand corrected.  Mixed up the players; different devil, similar tail."


Pandu Lampiao's 'tail' is not yet fully straight.

Any doctor - in a democratic country - can rightfully refuse to see
(treat) a non-established patient .... but NOT for the reason the
Pandu has alluded to above.

If the doctor did that, he would be hauled before the governing
Medical Council and also the courts.

The Pandu may also wish to think about this point: How many women, who
(voluntarily or otherwise) cover their heads, are likely to seek
medical help from a 'Dr. Jack'.


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