Election fever is in full swing in Goa.  Plenty of manifestos promising the Sun 
the Moon and the Stars without indicating where the money is going to come from 
to pay for all the goodies.  I guess the simple folks believe that nonsense.
Our ears are shattered by the sound of loudspeaker trucks driving up and down 
our village urging folks to vote for their candidate.  The persons standing for 
election have been making the rounds with a gaggle of supporters.  I was amused 
to having seen some of the same "Supporters"with another candidate just a 
couple of days earlier.  They hand out a wad of
campaign literature with all their far fetched promises.  While I politely 
decline telling them that I am not a voter, the retort is "Even if you are not 
a voter you can be a supporter" and tell your friends to vote for our party.  
Yeah ?
Overhearing conversations at my local "posro" I get the sense that the 
incumbent party
may be in big ttrouble, at least around where I live.  Perhaps it is time for a 
People are disillusioned.  Who they will vote for at the polling booth is 
anyone's guess.
Whoever it is, I hope they will stem the rot that has set in Goa.
Liquor shops have stopped selling booze from this week, so my favorite tipple 
is no longer available.  I dont know if the local tavernas are still open.  I 
will just have to plug my ears
and go on with my daily chores.  I dont have to make a choice and I dont want 
to interrere with people's mindset.  May the best person or party win.  Sorry 
Floriano and Goa Suraj, cant help you there, I am totally above this fray !  
Viva Goa !

                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

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