This accident is very sad as so many people including little kids have lost 
their lives.  For some days there will be tears shed and condolences expressed 
and after that everything goes back to normal. 
Looking at  the larger picture, is this accident  or any other accident in 
Goa for that matter surprising.  I think not.  My honest opinion is, there are 
no driving rules.  As long as one has the guts to get on to the road, one 
drives.  This is "one of the most" indisciplined and unruly state in the 
country.  Driving at breakneck speed on narrow roads without care or concern 
for pedestrians or others drivers is "very normal" behaviour.  People come to 
Goa from other states, hire a bike, get drunk and the rest is what is left in 
the hands of the Lord above. Amen.
Bernice Pereira

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