Had the pleasure of dining out the other day, with fellow GoaNetter Dr. Eric Pinto, @ the much talked-about heritage food venue in Miramar. With thanks to Dr. Eric for very pleasant exchange of views, I'll add another word of commendation. A few weeks back there was GoaNet discussion about merits/demerit. I think that for us it was all go od---beautiful prawn curry & chonak.

A word about bummer restaurant experiences, in general. I think we should not be too quick to condem a place on basis of one or two incidents. Some years back I was informed by a friend of having been shocked by finding a cockroach where it should not have been, at a very good local eatery. I deeply sympathized, but did not spread the story around.

Given the 'nature of the beast' it must be cause for endless anxiety and effort on the part of restaurant owners and working staff to keep vermin at bay. The fact that they sometimes do breach the lines of defence is to be deplored---but let's not make things any more difficult for those who sweat it out to provide nice table fare for those of us who can afford to simply 'place the order'.

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