I would like to have at least one example each for below stated 'PHACTS' of
yours.  And yes, please do mention the source.

a: YES, Hindus brutalised other Hindus (the caste system being just
the tip of the iceberg).
b: YES, Hindu and Muslim 'kings' took turns in ravaging Goa and the
women living in Goa before the Portuguese arrived .
c: YES, Hindu and Muslim 'kings' took turns in destroying each others
places of worship in Goa before the Portuguese arrived.

On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 6:49 PM, J. Colaco < jc> <cola...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Rajan P. Parrikar <parri...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> [1] There is no denying the positive influence of the Portuguese on Goa.
> [2] I yield to no one in my denunciation of the wanton destruction,
> brutality and religious bigotry they wrought in their early years.
> (...)  it is equally true that the latter Portuguese mellowed a good
> deal.
> [3] It is undeniable that the aspects of culture that are unique to or
> characteristic of Goa and Goans came out of the crucible provided by
> the Portuguese
> [4] Panjim, the most beautiful city (no longer, alas - thank you
> Indian for NOTHING) in the subcontinent in recent times, came to be so
> because of the Portuguese.  Any Hindu, ghati or Goan, denying the
> obvious positives of the ex-colonialists should be laughed out of
> town.
> I am on the same page as Rajanbab.
> Only an ostrich will deny the atrocities of the early days of
> Portuguese colonialism in Goa. A cousin of that ostrich will also be
> in denial of Hindu and Muslim atrocities in Goa at (and before) that
> time period. Not that one evil act justifies another ....but it needs
> to be stated.
> We cannot change the past and we cannot revise it either - not with
> mythology and not with 'revisionist history' - a speciality subject of
> the BJP's Murli Manohar Joshi. This is the sort of mentality which
> creates the Vandals of Fontainhas and the Katlick producers of the
> VideoCD.
> I trust you have noted how SILENT Sandeep Heble has been and still is
> on those two topics. Whitewash Revisionism, anyone?
> It is best, both for our own troubled souls and for the betterment of
> our community interests that we just accept the facts as they are i.e.
> a: YES, Hindus brutalised other Hindus (the caste system being just
> the tip of the iceberg).
> b: YES, Hindu and Muslim 'kings' took turns in ravaging Goa and the
> women living in Goa before the Portuguese arrived .
> c: YES, Hindu and Muslim 'kings' took turns in destroying each others
> places of worship in Goa before the Portuguese arrived.
> d: YES, the Portuguese Catholic colonialists destroyed both Muslim and
> Hindu places of worship - in the early years, and used the unHoly
> Inquisition to wipe out their political and land enemies (under the
> cloak of religion)
> e: YES, Goa has been ravaged since the Barath of 1961. .... and
> continues to be so.
> My crystal ball tells me the following:
> Never mind the 'Honeshty' nonsense and the Manifesto H2S
> ........Whoever wins this March 2012 election, Goa will continue to be
> revaged.
> Anybody wishes to disagree?
> jc
> ps Of interest:
> * Those who complain incessantly of the European enslavement of
> Africans ....conveniently forget to remember the African enslavement
> of other Africans which made the European slave trade possible.
> * Those who wax eloquently about the Shining or Mahan Bharat while
> bemoaning the alleged dismemberment of Bharat, conveniently forget to
> remember that the subcontinent was (antes 1947) a fractured place
> which was eventually brought together (like the former Yugoslavia) by
> force and Indirian coercion.
> * Our 'buddy' Aurangzeb justified the destruction of Hindu temples
> ....because ' they were centres of prostitution'.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve
>  Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


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                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

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