Same with the Fatorda stadium (should really be named after Monte
Cruz) and the Vascu stadium should be named after some legends of Goan
football who brought joy and excitement to the folks of the days gone
by........or maybe Benao, the unsung hero from the commentary box.
Today, we pay a buck to watch some sub-standard local, deshi and
Afrikan imports? There is no joy in the game!!

The politician or the mathematician whose name dons the
stadium.....wot do they know of football?
Pardon me for repeating....had we celebrated our own heroes, we may
not have gotten to this sorry state.

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Rajan P. Parrikar  wrote:
> To Goanet -
> 30 crores of butter -
> PS: Every single school, college, institution, whatever, in Goa
> named after Nehru, Indira Gandhi & her spawn should be stripped
> of their names.  Can you imagine receiving a degree from
> a "Rajiv Gandhi University," named after a drop-out brat, whose
> family has stolen untold wealth from Indians?
> (Even Mahatma Gandhi's name on roads etc should be taken
> down, but for an entirely different reason.  Hint: for the same reason
> that the gold idol of Manguesh at Mangueshi is a travesty of what
> Shiva represents.)
> r

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