For its IndiaUnheard community news program (, Video Volunteers seeks applicants to
be trained as community correspondents.

Here are the criteria for candidates we will accept. They must be:

   - From disadvantaged backgrounds from rural India or small urban centers
   - Creative, intelligent
   - Involved in social movements or NGOs
   - Speak, read and write either Hindi or English

They do not need any media or journalism experience. VV will provide them
equipment, training and payment (Rs 1500 per video plus bonuses for high
quality footage and creating impact).  As community correspondents, their
job will be to produce a minimum of one short video a month on different
community issues, as part of a large network of community correspondents,
from every state in India. We are particularly looking for women.

Please pass the word around and call me if you have any further questions.

Kamini Menon
Recruitment and Impact Manager
Video Volunteers - Empowering Community Voices
Watch our videos:
Phone: +919503183498

                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

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