I couldn't agree more with Rajan. I have no doubt that Goa's  highly
intelligent new CM and his team are fully conscious of their agenda and
priorities. All this avalanche of good advice to Manohar Parrikar reminds of
a story (no offense meant to anyone,  just TGIF humour):

A tomcat on heat was disturbing the neighbourhood with a lot of noise and
destruction of roof tiles, so he was summoned by the people of the
neighbourhood and warned to stop the nuisance but to no avail. In
desperation the good folks castrated the tomcat and the nuisance stopped -
but only for a short period. Very soon, the tomcat was at it again but now
the disturbance had quadrupled because our tomcat was accompanied by a
number of other tomcats, including from the surrounding areas. Puzzled, the
neighbourhood folks summoned the tomcat and asked for an explanation. No
problem, it replied, I know how to do it but am myself totally incapable of
doing it. So, I now dispense good advice, I have become a successful


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