Put a complete ban on exports, says report on illegal mining in Goa: Sources
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: March 15, 2012 19:03 IST

Panaji:  A report on illegal mining in Goa by Justice MB Shah's
commission has been submitted to the Mines ministry. The report says
that the state failed to stop illegal mining and has caused danger to
the environment, sources have told NDTV. The report also suggests a
complete ban on mining exports from Goa, sources add.

Most mines in the state are operating without deemed extension and
iron ore is being extracted outside leased areas, say sources.

NDTV exclusively gained access to the report in November last year -
the conclusions were grim. The report then showed more than 50 per
cent of all working mines in Goa as guilty of illegalities - the
violations range from mining outside permissible areas to a complete
disregard for environmental and wildlife clearances. Many companies
have been mining by proxy - using fronts to mine more than the quotas
assigned to them.

Goa's 122 mines - of which about 90 are operational - have been
inspected by the Shah Commission since September last year. The report
has strong reforms in mind. It finds that the export of iron ore-
largely to hungry markets in China - has fuelled illegal mining. In
2010, Goa exported about 54 million tons of iron ore.

In July, the Supreme Court banned all mining in Bellary, which lies on
the Karnataka-Andhra Pradesh border, after a committee of experts
found illegal mining flourishing there.

BS Yeddyurappa, who was Chief Minister of Karnataka, was forced to
resign after a report on illegal mining by the state's Lokayukta or
ombdusmam indicted him along with senior ministers and bureaucrats.


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