----- Original Message ----- From: floriano
To: moira-...@googlegroups.com
Cc: soter ; csjp...@gmail.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 8:49 PM
Subject: Fw: PANCHAYAT ELECTIONS 2012 [MAY 6, 2012]


Kindly desregard all these posts regarding the Panchayat Elections conduct on basis of Citizen's Panel etc etc. as by this post, I have WITHDRAWN.

I have just been reminded by people who matter that I, as a politician and a corrupt politician at that, should not get involved in how my village has to be administered.
at the Panchayat level without involving POLITICS.

All this while I was under the impression that I was a SOCIAL ACTIVIST and that I had graduated to be a POLITICAL ACTIVIST because there is only so much that a SOCIAL ACTIVISTS can do, fighting social battles alone.

I see that I am now accused of hi-jacking the GOEMCHEA RAKHONDARANCHO AWAZ. All this while and always, I believed and I shall always believe that I and my colleagues were instrumental of saving the GOEMCHEA RAKHONDARANCHO AWAZ from the JAWS of the RSS and the SWABINANS and the SAFFRONS by having it officially registered in name and style of the originally intended name of GRA.

Kindly note that I am henceforth withdrawing from all type of Social Activism which will benefit my village of Moira or which will benefit my GOA.
Probably, at this time,  I am not qualified to call Goa as my GOA too.

I am sorry to have involved Fr. Simpliciano Fernandes in the Village Activism and I have just told him that he should not withdraw from what he was planning to do for the village, but that I am withdrawing as of now.

Hence forth, I shall be a simple village citizen who will not be interested in anything that is happening to or in the Village of MOira. I shall only vigourously GUARD my own interests, that of my family and of the very very few friends that I have. The rest BE DAMMED. And I believe that I am more than capable of guarding my own insterests.

My special thanks go to two persons for whom I have had highest of regards for. One being Fr. Maverick Fernandes of CSJP and the other, Soter D'Souza, who is also with CSJP and who incidentally has managed to get out of the intestines of the SAFFRON BRIGADE and who is now lecturing others from high positions.

May their brand of SOCIAL ACTIVISM flourish and keep Goa's Villages and our GOA safe and sound.

And I do hope that the Vanxim Island as well as the Souto Maior's vast properties which the powers that be have embezzeled from out of the hands of the poor, for whom they were kept through dying WILLS of the benefectors may be returned to them safe and sound.

It was the Bishop's Palace and the sermonizing minions under it which have been entertaining the CROOKED AND CHEATING POLITICIANS of the CONGRESS all these years even to the extent of giving them CHRISTMAS TEA PARTIES at the hallowed Palace of GOD and BLESSING THEM during their SWEARING-INs, to which I have vociferously objected to by WRITING. Now that the pulse of the people has changed, the Bishop's Palace has changed it's tune and has even gone to the extent of giving a vigorous hand-shake to the saffron poison L.K. Advani during the swearing-in ceremony of the New (Saffron) Chief Minister of GOA. I do hope that the Church goes on vigorously shaking hands with the Brigade for time to come as it did with the corrupt and cheating CONGRESS all this while.

I wish Fr. Simpliciano Fernandes all the very best at what he is doing and at what he is trying to do.

All that I shall do, in the mean time, is to keep my eyes and ears open and take-in all that is being done in the name of fellow-men and GOD Almighty and react to it in my own simple ways.

And may Floriano Lobo not be given half a chance to inflict insufferable damage/s to demolish the most deserving. Because this is my only WILL TO LIVE.


----- Original Message ----- From: floriano
To: moira-...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 9:52 AM
Subject: Fw: PANCHAYAT ELECTIONS 2012 [MAY 6, 2012]


In consultation with Fr. Simpliciano Fernandes, the dynamic Parish Priest of Moira Church, TWENTY FIFTH [25TH] MARCH 2012 - SUNDAY - 0930 a.m. AT THE MOIRA CLUB has been fixed for the all inclusive MOIDEKARs meet to discuss and finalize the 'CITIZEN'S of MOIRA MANIFESTO' for the fast approaching General Panchayat Elections scheduled for May 6, 2012.

Announcements to this effect shall be made in the Church, Chapels and Temples of Moira so that all Moidekars show their participatory streak in these very sensitive to the Village of Moira, Elections.

Moble announcements shall also be made on Saturday, 24th March, 2012, so that one and all are kept informed.

The next meet which shall scrutinize and select the panel candidates for all 7 WARDS of MOIRA from volunteers (inclusive of the present Panch Members), shall take place on 15th April [SUNDAY AFTER EASTER]. The venue for this meet shall be intimated on 25th. March meet [either the Moira Club or the Comunidade Hall].

This is for your kind information and circulation.


----- Original Message ----- From: floriano
To: moira-...@googlegroups.com ; moira-...@googlegroups.com
Cc: Nazar ; vigiliad...@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 5:33 PM
Subject: PANCHAYAT ELECTIONS 2012 [MAY 6, 2012]



The citizens of Moira feel that they should collectively contribute ideas for the development of their Village which has been so far grossly neglected in matters of garbage collection and disposal, public water self-sufficiency, improved street lighting and power, caring for the senior citizens of the village and eradicating illegalities which abound, security of the village as far as outsiders residing in the village, etc.

If the citizens of Moira need to be sensitive towards the above and towards the whole lot of problems that the village faces, they need to have a Gram Panchayat which is sensitive to these needs on priority basis and also sensitive to the demands and proposals put up by the gram sabha members and/or the general electorate and voiced during gram sabhas so that the village of Moira can move towards keeping its members (most) happy and contented that their tax money is being utilized to solve their collective problems.

Therefore, the villagers of Moira have, for some time, dwelling on the idea that the Moira village should be more than involved for their own collective betterment by getting their act together in scouting, short-listing and finally choosing and/or selecting candidates from every ward of the village and to field them for the coming Panchayat Elections declared for May 6, 2012 as a CITIZENS OF MOIRA PANEL under a Citizen's Manifesto and to collectively for for the victory of this panel in the Panchayat Elections to protect the COLLECTIVE INTEREST of Moira and to do away with SELF-INTEREST of individuals.

The salient points of the Manifesto

Panchayat body not to aligned with any political party or any party political ideology but to remain as SELF-GOVERNING body of the Village of Moira by virtue of the inception of the Panchayat Raj Act. Panchayat body to work with the elected MLA of the Constituency and with the Government of the day to derive all benefits due to the Village as a whole. Panchayat body to run its full course of 5 year term without any destabilizing 'NO CONFIDENCE MOTIONS'. The Deputy Sarpanch to be elevated to the post of the Sarpanch for the remaining half of the term i.e. 2 and half years. Simple NOCs which do not require deliberation of the Panchayat body to be granted on immediate basis to facilitate and without having to wait for bi-monthly Panchayat body meetings. Eradication of mosquito menace through installing anti-mosquito adapters on all village septic tank airing pipes at the cost of the owners, subsidized by the Panchayat to the extent of 50 %. Efficient and effective management of door to door collection of wet garbage on daily basis and its treatment at the now to be made operational GMS at Pirazona Moira.
Efficient and effective management of dry garbage on fort-nightly basis.
Clearing of all gutters prior to monsoons and half-way through monsoons and/or where and when necessary. Clearing of bramble/weed growth half-way thro monsoons and immediately after the cessation of monsoons.
Concretizing of all retaining walls and gutters where required.
Apsalting all roads and by-lanes and road accesses in  the village.
Tiling of all village gradient steps with anti-skid tiles.
Explaining and implementing various Government Schemes for the benefit of the deserving villagers which schemes are often not implemented and the moneys returned to the Government.

Pls Note: The above is nowhere near being finalized and require much work to make it a model manifesto [with deletions and additions]. Inputs are most welcome and desirable to make it participatory.

To have this Manifesto Circulated within the Village
To have two meets preferably at Moira Club premises, (1) to finalize the Manifesto and (2) to choose the candidates for each WARD from possible many volunteers.
Moira Village to campaign as a whole for the victory of it's CITIZEN'S PANEL


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