I had the privilege of working alongside Mr. Mathany Saldanha on various
issues and at many agitations. Unlike Mathany who sacrificed much
personally in his struggle for a better Goa, many have become MLA’s without
contributing to the betterment and welfare of society.  For some of them it
has been a tale from rags to riches. At times I may have disagreed with his
views and approach. But nobody can deny the fact that Mathany was a great
fighter. Men with the strength, courage and resolve as Mathany Saldanha are
few. A fitting tribute to this lion of a man would be for every Goan to
strive and salvage what remains of Goa

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


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