Dear Joe,

Kindly read Chapter II [16] - General Policies - Role of Religion in State Matters
available Page 31


16.  Role of Religion in State Matters:

This Party believes that the State must remain separate from Religion. Hence the Governance and/or Government Administration shall be fully divorced from religion at all times to maintain the secular principles advocated in the Constitution of India. No Government or semi-Government Department or Institution shall display religious icons or pictures etc. and shall not be allowed to hold religious functions or religious displays within the premises. However there shall be exception made to Institutions functioning in buildings which were earlier private and which were taken-over by the Government and which had their own private religious sanctuaries or oratories. Public passenger transport vehicles shall also come under this prohibition. A citizen, being free to choose and follow any religion he/she may wish to, matters of religious faith shall be treated as strictly a private concerns of the citizen. Religious Institutions shall not be entitled to receive government grants. However, old traditions, if any, which are indigenous to Goa, shall be maintained. Government shall not fund any facility or facilities which is/are not open to all communities, irrespective of religious faith, caste or other antecedents. Facilities which cater to only one community or one caste per se shall be considered as falling under the ‘Private Domain’. State shall be neutral in its governance and shall not interfere in the internal matters of religious institutions, except when religious discord threaten to create a law and order situation due to aggrieved public sentiments. State shall be responsible to provide adequate security to all religious and heritage institutions and buildings including the maintenance of law and order, sanitation, granting of additional public transportation for festivals, etc., during festivals organized by these religious institutions where unusually large numbers of people are expected to attend and/or worship. There shall be a definitive curb on the use of public address systems and sound systems, including the bursting of fire crackers, cracker bombs during such festivals in order to reduce noise pollution. Indiscriminate bursting of fire-crackers and cracker bombs during other festivals and celebrations shall be discouraged as these lead to the hazards of accidents, inconvenience to citizens, specially senior citizens and small children and have a long term adverse effect on the health besides causing pulmonary infection and other illnesses. Instead, pre-selected areas/exhibition grounds shall be identified for the orderly and safe conduct of such bursting of fire-cracker and conducting of fire-works shows where fire-fighting and emergency first-aid units shall be mandatorily stationed. Private functions where limited fire-crackers are used, the user shall render public places such as roads etc. clean after such use. Permissible decibel levels as stipulated by the Central Notification /Supreme Court Order shall be observed for the sale of such fire-crackers. The rules which are applicable for the conduct of protest/victory rallies, morchas and demonstration marches shall be applicable to religious processions on public roads, streets and highways. No fire-works, fire-crackers shall be used after 10 p.m. Certain festivals which extend up to and after midnight shall be notified and allowed to burst fire-crackers up to 1 a.m. only. Example: Divali-Christmas–New Year etc.

This Party’s Government Ministers and Elected Representatives [MLAs] shall be discouraged from playing a central role in laying of foundation stones for religious institutions such as churches/chapels, temples etc. and/or performing religious rites for Government sponsored public buildings and installations such as , bridges etc.

----- Original Message ----- From: "JoeGoaUk" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 12:16 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Parrikar,please ban all religious Pujas at work place

Dear Mr. Parrikar, please ban all religious Pujas at work place

‘Good administration my priority’ Manohar Parrikar, the Chief Minister of Goa

Ban all Religious Pujas, Ceremonies or Ladin for that matter,
at Govt. work places.

Some months ago, we read of a young life lost at hicalim Hospital while doctor and nurses were busy performing or
attending puja there

Goa Electricity Dept: Where is everybody??


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