Japanese cuisine comes to Goa

*With Washoku fest, Quenim brothers become the first ones to have
Japanese<http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Japanese> food
fest in Goa at a standalone restaurant.*

The Quenim brothers are always up to something. This time Anish and Akshay
have created Japan in
Panaji<http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Panaji> at
their Oriental restaurant Pan Asian Bowl (PAB). Called The Washoku
Festival, they have strapped lined it as A Japanese Gastronomic Feast. And
they are not too wrong. They have more than thirty items in the
festival<http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/festival> menu.
Their Chef Ram was specially trained to be able to create these exotic
dishes for the fest.

"Idea was to get the Goans excited!" said Akshay
"We have never had a hardcore Japanese food fest in Goa, though Vivanta's
restaurant did have one, it's different having it at a standalone
restaurant. So we did it. And once we decide to do something we do it!" he
adds. That's so true. Akshay and and Anish are partners with DJ Aqueel at
F-Beach Club the Alfresco lounge bar cum fine dining restaurant in Candolim
and also catering partners at his Hype on Tito's Lane. And it's not easy to
manage so many outlets; especially when you also have a family run hotel,
Mandovi, to look at.

Washoku means Traditional Japanese cuisine. And the fest offers you exactly
that. Be it the delectable Tuna Carpaccio or Maitake Mushroom
Soup<http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Mushroom-Soup> or
the eternal favourite Miso Soup, their chef has tried to maintain the
authentic flavours. Even the twist to Sushi, the Seafood California Roll,
is impressive. They have specially got the udan and soba noodles for the
festival. Chicken Yaki Tori and Beef Teppenyaki sauces leave you wanting

Was it a good idea to have the food fest during the
lent<http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Lent> when
half of Goa is vegetarian? "To be honest, Lent has not affected our
festival," says Akshay, the talkative of the two. "Thankfully, we have had
a great response to the festival. And we do have vegetarian options as

That one has to admit. The Taro Taro vegetable noodles are quite delicious.

Though they have not gone overboard and introduced Japanese deserts in the
menu, the regular PAB desserts make up for it. The festival is on till the
25th of March and if in Goa, you should straight head for there either for
lunch or dinner. And if not, then come to Goa for this long weekend with
PAB on your agenda!


Gabe Menezes.

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