The post below reveals to me the following two facts:

1. The author's admission that any person like him who responds to a Goanet 
post addressed to someone else, does so, because the message in it hit home to 
him whom the cap fits. This confirms the fact that the following message of 
mine in a prior post hit home perfectly, and the cap fitted the right person, 
as indicated by the author's irritated response to it:

There is no dearth of young activists. There is only a serious deficiency of 
honesty, consistency and selfless devotion to justice, as opposed to an 
inwardly focused desire to engage in petty politics, and to serve essentially 
parochial and sectarian interests.
.....Santosh Helekar

Please see:

2. The author believes that his following statement indicates that he has "high 
regard and respect for teachers".

‘Those who can, do**** 
Those who cannot, teach’****
.....Marshall Mendonza



----- Original Message -----
> From: Marshall Mendonza <>
> To: goanet <>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2012 4:36 AM
> Subject: [Goanet] Matanhy
> My comments were specifically addressed to those who make bombastic
> statements but who need to walk the talk. I think the message hit home to
> those whom the cap fit.
> I have high regard and respect for teachers as well as other professionals
> who possess honesty and integrity.
> Regards,
> Marshall


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