Tragic death of Tourism and Environment Minister, Hon. Jose Matanhy Saldanha
Two days before my departure from Goa I was so privileged to attend and witness 
the sad final journey of late Mr Matanhy
 on 24 March with full honours of 21 guns salute and coffin draped in the 
national tri-colour of India.  It was one of the biggest
 funeral rites in Goa’s history.
  Mr. Matanhy died of massive cardiac arrest at the age of 64 years. The 
tribute was so moving and thousands of inconsolable
 mourners from all walks of life  gathered together whole day long to his 
residence and  St. Thomas Church in Cansaulim to pay
 their last respects to their beloved leader of humanity, teacher, orator, 
activist, social worker, and visionary prophet of Goa .   
He fought for the rights of besieged fishermen, toddy-tappers, poor and 
marginalised people.   I had never heard Mr. Matanhy’s
 name before this recent election, but when he was sworn in as the Minister of 
Tourism I read every article about him and thought
 he was the saviour of Goa.    I even prayed for his good health.   Alas, God 
only knows why he was snatched away so prematurely
 from his beloved family, friends and of course Goa lost a dedicated, honest 
fighter and a great son of the soil.   I have been told
 that he was born in my village of Carmona  ( I do not know how far it is 
true).  I visited the house to say a prayer for his soul and
 met his elderly aunt.
However, I understand that Mr. Matanhy devoted his entire life to save Goa from 
the clutches of evil dministration, destruction and 
degradation of forest and environment.   He was the hope for these causes and 
vowed to save
 Goa’s forest, fragile environment and land for posterity.   
The funeral Mass was celebrated by the Archbishop of Goa, Filipe Neri Ferrao .  
The Archbishop spoke so highly about Matanhy
 and his relentless hard work to save Goa from destruction and he implored the 
people of Goa to continue walking along the path
 Matanhy had chosen and to live by his high moral principles and ideals.  
The first tribute of condolences came from Mr. Arun Jaitley, the Opposition 
Leader of Raj Sabha.  He called him a crusader for 
people’s rights and said that Goa has lost one of the noblest and greatest sons 
of the soil.    The Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar
 gave the eulogy and mentioned that he was a simple man and always believed in 
working for the welfare of Goa and Goans.  
They shared a common bond for believing in similar principles.  He assured the 
public that his government would ensure that
 Matanhy’s rich legacy will not be forgotten.    Remo Fernandes dedicated a 
flute solo as a tribute to Matanhy.
The moving speech of Mr. Matanhy’s niece, Malisa Simoes on behalf of the family 
touched the hearts of thousands who cried 
bitter tears after hearing the heart-rendering story of a man who was more 
concerned for the welfare of Goa and working for
 the downtrodden than winning the election.   His courageous wife Alina showed 
great strength and admiration for the man she
 loved for twenty years of their married life and worked together to fulfil his 
dreams.   She also mentioned that he always told 
her that everything he did will be remembered after his death.  It was sad to 
hear her words that the light of her life was no more. 
 May God grant her and his family strength, courage fortitude and serenity to 
bear this cruel blow and to keep alive his vision 
and dreams of a better Goa in union with his legacy.   Fr. Eremito Rebello 
delivered a strong-worded homily praising Mr. Matanhy
 for his kindly deeds and said that his wife Alina is a strong, courageous 
woman and the people of Goa needs her now to take up
 the challenge by contesting the Cortalim Constituency by polls.
There is no doubt, Mr. Matanhy died as a happy man for the love of his beloved 
Goa and Goans.   Let us pray that in future 
Goans will elect good and honest politicians to keep his memory and legacy 
alive.    May God grant him an eternal rest in heaven.

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