In a critique of a Pamela D'Mello article in FRONTLINE, Rajan P.
Parrikar asked the following question: Is Pamela D'Mello an
'independent' journalist, too?


First of all, even though I know of NO losers who are not 'sore', I
hope that the good Rajan Parrikar was not aiming that barb at Pamela
D'Mello. Even from a distance, I can safely say that she is indeed an
independent journalist.

Now, before I comment on the the quoted paras of Pamela's article,
allow me to state MY 2 cents with reference to the Goa 2012 elections:

[1] The Congress outfit in Goa richly deserved the Red Card it was
shown. The level of arrogance in power and the rampant corruption had
become absolutely intolerable.

[2] There will always be a mistrust among Goan Catholics relevant to
the intentions of the Hindu Right - unless significant changes are
made i.e. beyond the mere tokens.

[3] The Congress took the Catholic Goans and Salcete for granted for
too long. History suggests that the biggest dadas .... eventually

[4] Manohar Parrikar is an able administrator. As I have stated
before, he is the best available person in Goa - at this moment. He
will make his mistakes (like all of us) but hopefully, he will not be
infected by the highly toxic Vibrio Arrogansis et Corruptis organism.

[5] It is time for Goans to 100% support all the good decisions of the
new government, and not just oppose them for the sake of opposing.

[6] It is a given that unfair decisions must be opposed by all fair
minded Goans. That is, IF we are not just Pawns and/or Hacktivists.

Now to selected bits from the Pamela D'Mello article:

(a) "There can be little doubt that the Church played a big role in
the move away from the Congress,” said hotelier Ralph de Souza. In its
pre-election statements, the Council for Social Justice and Peace, the
wing of the Church that comments on social matters, had “advised”
people to vote wisely, for honest, non-corrupt candidates. And this
time, it overtly downplayed its traditional anathema to “communal”

jc comment (a): Ralph, WHAT exactly did you expect the Church to do
besides advising the congregation ' to vote wisely, for honest,
non-corrupt candidates'? Do you believe that the Congress could have
heard the message and fielded ' honest, non-corrupt candidates'?

(b) "Voters seem to have been simply fed up with the arrogance and
hubris of the Congress and the BJP. It was an anti-Congress wave, not
a pro-BJP wave, and certainly not an endorsement of the Hindutva
ideology,” said Dr Oscar Rebello, a physician and an activist.
According to the Citizen's Initiative for Communal Harmony, “the anger
generated by the Congress and its abysmal levels of corruption clouded
the people's minds so much that they failed to see or overlooked the
communal ideology of the BJP.”

jc comment: Oscar is quite right. The voters were just 'fed up with
the arrogance & abysmal levels of corruption of the Congress' and
'overlooked the (reputed) communal ideology of the BJP'. I am sure Mr.
Parrikar knows what to do in order to ensure that the Congress
perpetually secures the same number of seats as it did pre-1980 (i.e.
ZERO): Just do what has to be done to provide Fair, Honest and
Non-Corrupt governance for all Goans.

(c) (Pamela D'Mello): "The no-nonsense charisma of BJP leader Manohar
Parrikar and his abilities as an able administrator played no small
role in the voters' choice of the party."

jc comment: Absolutely!

(d) (Pamela D'Mello): "While the BJP suffers from the complete
domination of a single leader, the Congress has too many."

jc comment: Only leaders who are dominant, are able to crack the whip
and achieve. That they have to know when to quit is a given. On the
other side of the coin,  an "iffy" and "auto pilot" leader is doomed
to lead his 'organization' into chaos.

(e) "“There's something called the aesthetics of corruption, when it
gets too vulgar and too in-your-face, it can be the tipping point,”
said Alito Sequeira, the sociologist and Goa University professor."

jc comment: You are absolutely right, Professor Sequeira. And the
Tipping Point was reached.

Concluding comment: Thank You Pamela for an interesting article.


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