By: Floriano Lobo

Reading novels was my forte. Alas! Not anymore, since the onset of this idiotic internet. I had such a large collection that a time came when I did not know what to do with it. And not wanting to feed the white ants, I took Augusto Pinto's (our very own books-loving Moidekar) suggestion and delivered a load to the then newly assembled Moira Club Library. And have never regretted that decision.

Now, now, what has the word 'Maverick' (or should I say a name) got to do with all this books and library thing? In deed, everything. The word 'maverick' used to crop up whilst reading, especially the wild western stories. It was rightly assumed that it had something to do with a stubborn four legged. But then, I had never gotten to leaf through the pages of the dictionary to find out what exactly was a 'maverick'.

And since, of late, I had decided to do a piece on this astounding word, I did take the trouble to hit 'Googles'. See what I got, a treasure of a lifetime.

1. Someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action
2. An unbranded range animal (especially a stray calf); belongs to the first person who puts a brand on it independent in behavior or thought 3.Hypernyms ("maverick" is a kind of...): nonconformist; recusant (someone who refuses to conform to established standards of conduct)
4. As according to Judith Germain: 'Being willfully independent'.
And she goes much forward in explaining what is being willfully independent, such as this:
a) Mavericks have a willful sense of independence and can be found working within a company or owning one. It is their acute sense of independence that is common between the maverick at work and the maverick business owner. The symptoms that they display is very different which is why the approach that is used to harness their talent will differ. The definition of a maverick is important because it is by being sure of your definition will be the key to the solution. b) A maverick personality is one where they are willfully independent all the time and in all circumstances. They are keen to make their mark and do things their way and often blaze innovation and lateral thinking to the projects and problems that they are working on. They often exasperate the people around them and peers can feel that they can't keep up or hurt if an objective comment from a maverick is delivered in their usual blunt and brutally honest way. c) A maverick trait or tendency is when the maverick or 'Troublesome Talent' is willfully independent in their workplace. They may challenge the status quo and insist that the company works from a strong sense of integrity. They take risks that conformist employees shirk at, and push harder and seek challenges that others feel are 'insane'. d) Mavericks are easily bored and need to be given constant challenges to ensure that they are as productive and engaged as they could be. They tend to come up with innovative solutions and their way of working didn't fit the established corporate norms. The Maverick is unafraid to question authority, buck trends or do what is 'expected' and understands that they are a square peg in a round hole. They have realized that they are under utilized, bored in their roles and that they often act inappropriately in the circumstances that they find themselves in. e) The Maverick hires us directly to work with them. They are keen to keep the fact that they are working with us confidential from their employers. The Maverick comes from all types of professions from professional partnerships like accountancy or law, corporate life or individuals running their own business. f) The Maverick at work: This is the type of person who is recognized as being Troublesome Talent® - definition of a maverick at work hugely talented but difficult to manage. They often complete targets and objectives with ease but cause enormous problems with colleagues and peers in the process. Troublesome Talent® are sometimes said to have a bullying approach and careless attitude to those around them. They tend to be mono focused on the task in hand and have the unerring habit of increasing staff turnover and lowering staff morale because they are unaware or indifferent to the effect that they have on the people around them. Invariably they are loved by the customer, which causes the dilemma of whether they should be sacked or developed. Usually the company hires us to work directly with their Troublesome Talent® or their managers. g) The maverick business owner: These mavericks are accidental business owners who left a secure corporate job because they were unhappy trying to successfully navigate their way in corporations that could no longer contain them. Mavericks are easily bored and need to be given constant challenges to ensure that they are as productive and engaged as they could be. They tend to come up with innovative solutions and their way of working didn't fit the established corporate norms. So this type of maverick left corporate life to set up their own companies. h) Some business owners are mavericks because they are willfully independent and are ambitious and determined to achieve their goals. i) The definition of a maverick is the key to finding the solution to draw out the positive aspects of maverick behaviour from within the maverick or Troublesome Talent® and their teams.
And, as if she [Judith Germain] was not satisfied if she had imparted the true meaning and intent of what ticks a 'maverick' she guides the student thus:
To find out more about mavericks please view our Maverick Mastery site.
Contact us if you are not sure whether you are managing a maverick or are one
Our specialism is working with mavericks.
Areh Bap-reh. So bloody much ? when one expected a simple one sentence answer? But all said and done, Judith Germain hasn't said anything about a 'priest maverick'. Am I utterly disappointed? But then, I have myself been a 'maverick' all my life without knowing what maverick is all about. Maybe my father (or, for that matter, my mother or whoever it was that is responsible to give me my Portuguese name) never knew the meaning of the word 'maverick' too. If he/they knew, he/they would have certainly named me 'maverick'. Or if it was too early to know how I was built (mentally, I mean), then at least nick-name me later as 'maverick', having come to know the stubborn, back-talking traits that I had acquired and exhibited from young. And come to think of it, one of our parish priests wanted me to become a priest. Since I was not able to dodge him on his insistence that I should be a priest, I had, one day, blurted out loud and clear thus: "Father, if at all I become a priest, I shall be a Jesuit Priest". Stunned, he had asked me 'why, in particular, a Jesuit Priest?' And what I had told him next, had shut him up completely, or so I thought at that moment, because he never again asked me if I will be a priest but instead gave my name to the Jesuit Provincial at St. Britto's Mapusa. My good friend Teotonio D'Souza, whom I lovingly call 2-tone D'Souza should know this well J "My father" I had told him "Is against the so called COMMUNAL, wealth collecting PRIESTS who consider themselves SECULAR " And I had gone a step further to tell him that "My father's dictum is ' if any of his sons should want to be a priest/s, he/they should leave the house and all family bonds and go after JESUS CHRIST, to serve him. That he has gone on record to say that he will dis-inherit such a son/s should he/they become a PRIEST/S."
Thank God I had decided against being (any) priest, because some of the priests that I have known as friends have set is very very bad example, to the extent that some of them have left priest-hood and have gotten married, but still seem to be wearing cassocks, some are shamelessly behaving like married men, telling married men how to conduct the 'being married' business, have gone ahead to amass such wealth that Jesus Christ Himself will be put to shame, some of them are hand-in-gloves with CORRUPT POLITICIANS and seek to get them elected, and some of them have become daylight cheats and robbers, not of small things but big things like 'Souto Maior's vast Estates' and entire Goa's Islands like 'Vanxim', directly or indirectly to Goan and/or out of State DEVELOPERS for just twenty pieces of SILVER. But had I decided to be a priest, Goa would have had twin 'mavericks' as priests, one in real name and one in nick name, who would be poles apart and fighting one another like fighting cocks, proving Judith Germain woefully WRONG and rendering her TOTALLY CONFUSED.

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