Goans Make No Matata

Augusto Pinto

Goans often accuse each other of having crab mentalities. But
Braz Menezes's novel Just Matata suggests that, outside Goa
at least, Goans did well for themselves because they were
*not* like the crabs in a *budkulo* who drag the ones
escaping their fate, back into the pot.

          Set among the Goan Catholic community living in
          Kenya, and in the Goa of the 1950s, the story of
          young Orlando Menezes (Lando) his family and
          community is a charming smile generator.

The Swahili word in the title -- Matata -- means 'trouble'
but the Goan community that is really its subject, are a
docile people, as they are grateful for having escaped from
the bucolic, stagnant early 20th century Goa to become the
clerical buffer between British master and the African

The Matata saga begins in the 1920s when Chico Menezes  and
his brother and other cash strapped Goans were lured by a
fake job recruiter into sailing to Mozambique on the promise
of being given lucrative jobs there.

En route, after discovering they were conned, Chico manages
to wangle a job with a British businessman when on shore at
Mombasa while the ship he was travelling on was refitting.
That's how he lands in Kenya.

          There he is welcomed with open arms. He remarks
          later: "Despite coming to this country alone, we
          were lucky in those days there was already an
          established Goan community to receive us and help
          us settle into our new homes.  Their kindness made
          such a difference to us."

After establishing himself he returns to Goa to be led into
love with Anja 'over a game of poker', marries her and goes
back to settle down in Kenya and raise a family of which
Lando is the second child and through whose eyes one sees the

Lando's viewpoint, memories and imagination take us through a
variety of capers ranging from the guilt of committing
'adultery'; to having his dog killed by robbers; to being
shot at by racists when on Safari; to the sea journeys
between Goa and Kenya; to being tempted into the priesthood
in Goa...  Let me not spoil the fun by telling it all

          Although it is a novel, each chapter is a
          self-contained story.  So it reads very much like a
          collection of short stories.  This structure allows
          Menezes to give us snapshots of Goan life in Kenya
          with little glimpses of other Indian communities,
          Africans and Europeans.

Just Matata is very readable and will be liked by youngsters,
but it is not only for or about children.

Reading between the lines one gets an intimate feel of what
life was like for the Goans in conditions of racial

Take for instance Lando's little epiphany in Church, as he is
looking at the paintings on the walls, while he is waiting
for confession:

          "Biblical scenes adorn the large stained glass
          windows, with the figures of God, the saints and
          assorted angels all glowing pink.  Inspiration
          strikes!  I have cracked the riddle of our faith!
          I finally understand why the front pews are
          reserved for Europeans, why white people always
          live in nice houses with big gardens and have
          luxurious clubs, why their children have fancy
          schools with big swimming pools, why brown people
          sometimes do not have regular running water, and
          black people have even less.  God is white!"

Menezes does not see everything in black and white terms
however, but through characters like Lando's friends Jeep,
Ahmed and Hardev; and Saboti the African girl who Lando has a
crush for; and Jimmy  his English friend, we get different
shades of brown.

When barely a teen, Lando is sent back to Goa for an
education, but his stay is not entirely pleasant as this was
a period of food shortages.

          To make matters worse missionaries zero in on him
          as a likely candidate for the priesthood as he has
          the right intelligence and caste.  The description
          of how he escaped being drafted is interesting.

Quietly interwoven in the narrative are anecdotes of Kenyan
club life; and Goan village life; of Goan legends like Dr
Ribeiro; and tragedies like the Japanese torpedoing of the
S.S.  Tilawa that killed many Goans during W.W.  II.

After Peter Nazareth's caustic impressions of the Goans in
Africa in the 70s in 'The General is Up' and 'In a Brown
Mantle', we now get a more sympathetic view of the Goan
diaspora.  In the process Menezes sweeps under the carpet
some of the more unsavoury aspects of Goan life, like the way
that the many clubs they formed in Kenya may have been fronts
for their castes; or that they consciously or unconsciously
colluded with the British in the subjugation of the Africans.
But maybe these aspects of life will be given greater
attention in the subsequent volumes of the Matata trilogy.

Just Matata: Sin, Saints and Settlers
A Novel Set in Goa and Kenya
By Braz Menezes
Goa edition: 2012 (Broadway and Goa,1556)

A version of this review was published in Goa Today, April 2012.

See http://www.matatatrilogy.com/

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