Carvalho wrote: I was wondering if anyone would be able to comment on this.
In Salcete large areas do not have bamons. Would Assolna of Salcete have
had bamons. What would be the possibility of a man who set up a school in
Assolna being bamon?

J. Colaco < jc> responded:

> d: It has done enough of havoc in East Africa (inter alia, pl read Ben
Antao's The tailor's daughter).

RESPONSE: I believe Ben's novel infers on the theatrics of upper caste men
in Goa (not East Africa) vis-a-vis lower caste women.

> f: It shamefully continues to create awful problems among
allegedly-Catholic families at the time of marriages.

RESPONSE: If true, why would we not talk about caste and address it head-on.

> g: Why, pray, propagate (albeit inadvertently) this horrible racist
institution in 2012, especially wrt those who have an opportunity to get
rid of the blot of the original Apartheid discrimination from their
inheritance? [The glorified revision of the Caste System having been noted]

RESPONSE: Surely the original post on this thread was not propagating "this
horrible racist institution in 2012". Is the Caste system going to go away
if we look the other way??

> h: Please find another topic to research.

RESPONSE: Why? Who gets to choose what topic should be researched?

-----Original Message-----
From: anesimo56

> There is no caste system in Christianity. It was/is purely used as a form
of  discrimination.
> Although in Goa, among Catholics it is slowly dying off,  it still  shows
its ugly head when it
> comes to marriages and social functions, specially in Salcette.

RESPONSE: Are we to hide from the "ugly head" or runaway from it???

> In this age and time, We should discuss economics and not CASTE!

RESPONSE: Caste is economics 101!!

Re Caste, would it be safe to surmise that the attitude appears to be:

If you don't have it, flaunt it,
If you have it, shove it under the carpet.

- B
  • ... J. Colaco < jc>
    • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
  • ... Carvalho
    • ... Mervyn Lobo
      • ... J. Colaco < jc>
  • ... Joaquim Loiola Pereira
    • ... Roland Francis
      • ... Gabe Menezes
    • ... J. Colaco < jc>
  • ...
    • ... roland . francis
  • ... Cecil Pinto
  • ... Dom Martin
  • ... floriano
  • ... Dom Martin
    • ... Mervyn Lobo
  • ... Carvalho
  • ... Carvalho
    • ... Mervyn Lobo
  • ... Vivian A. DSouza

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