Roland Francis wrote:
I understand that G1 is a priest of the Roman Catholic Church. The very
institution that allowed this nefarious caste system to be perpetuated in
Goa. Hey father, you would have been more credible if you had taken the
opportunity to apologize for that on behalf of the body you represent.

Then in comes G2 on the same lines: What a blot the caste system is. Don't
talk about it. I am a sub harijan and kunbi (Cecil Pinto nails him on that
one!). My children married (where he does not say) in line with our family
not breathing the caste word. He adds a Spanish word or two, leading us to
believe that not only was this out of caste, but out of India entirely
(nothing wrong with that - more than half of Goan children overseas marry
"outside"). What I have to ask G2 is why all the family revelations given
the fact that Selma for the purpose of writing a book only asked an
unrelated question as shown above. 

G3 as usual puts his foot in where angels fear to tread. He talks about
Selma's bias in writing about the caste system. Hey G2, she hasn't written
anything on this yet. She is still at the research stage. Why not talk about
your bias for gold investing and your bias for cheering the fall of
profligate western governments as represented by your arch-enemy the United
States where you went to study and whose innocent citizen you married?

1) I don't think you have understood what is being discussed here.

2) You try and address three gentlemen and after just a few sentences, wander 
    unable to keep a grip on which gentleman said what. I do not know if you
    realise this, but your wandering keeps on getting worse every time.

3) It is beyond bewilderment, to me, that you could introduce into a debate on 
     the Goan Catholic caste system, the following:
     a) Gold investing
     b) The fall of profligate western governments
     c) Innocent US citizens :- 0

4) It is becoming painfully obvious that your blinders only allow you to see 
the person 
      and not the issue being discussed. This time you have gone to the extreme 
      spewing your venom on a priest of the Roman Catholic faith. Yes, this 
does speak 
      volumes about you. 

Lastly, If you read your post again, you may realise that you have attacked the 
who said that they have jettisoned the caste system.

Mervyn Lobo

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