> Accents matter. In case, that was hard to understand, allow me to give a
> personal example. I speak English with an Indian recent (though people
> assure me its less pronounced; hardly--this that and the other). Whatever?!
> The point though is that very few are keen on having their nationals speak
> English with an Indian accent, as Indian do (inflections), stc., (you
> know). Indian ------------- do (decide/categorize on what your accent is).
> Its truly that simple, and countries have a choice to choose their
> teachers. We can call them ignorant or whatever but they get to decide what
> they want. You/We on the other hand get to get up in arms, vent and get
> spent.

Also there is nothing categorical, defined, or definitive in anyone saying:
"And then [he/she] said to me, 'Your English is very good!.'" When that
happens pat yourself on the back if you must, and then move on. More than
likely it could have have been a don of English, and equally someone
fascinated that you can string words together equally better as them, or
better than them.

venantius j pinto

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