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'Opinion' - MOPA flying in Unclear Skies
Surging ahead with crutches By: Caetano De Abreu

These two different and unconnected opinions say it all.

The Goa Su-Raj Party was always apprehensive of the 'Wolf' in 'Sheep's Clothing" Now that things are coming in the open, it goes a long way in cautioning the ever euphoric Goan public about things to come in the name of GOOD GOVERNANCE AND EXCELLENT ADMINISTRATION.

Those who have been shouting from the roof-tops cautioning about the roots that have gone deep down and not ever possible to uproot may have been considered as mad dogs going rabid wanting to touch 'power'. But then GOANs must understand that they have been already compromised eons ago, more like since 196,1 when GOA was annexed to the chagrin of the world where persons like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was preaching in one tongue and licking the self-imaging plate with the other. We at Goa Su-Raj want to go on record to say that NOBODY repeat NOBODY bleeds for Goa except the mad rabid dogs who have the capability to see what is in the best interest for FUTURE GOA.

It is high time that GOANS take their own destiny in their own hands and guide GOA towards being the Pearl of the East, patriotism for India as a country notwithstanding. We must take heed of the old Goan adage "Bailo eun tujea potan galtolo mhun sozmoxi zalear ti bongli phott. Tuzea potan tuvench galchem podtolem" Meaning " Do not expect an outsider to come and feed you. You will have to do it yourself"

MOPA is going to take away our dear dear Dabolim from us Goans forever and deny us the change or the opportunity to name it as Dr. Jack de Sequeira Airport of Goa. We must be very very certain that the Indian Navy has been plotting and charting the course on this since 1961. Fools! that Goans have been. Are you going to allow this to happen? Does tiny GOA have the responsibility to play body-guard to the whole of the Indian Nation at the cost of it's own survival? What sort of zombies are we??

Also, GOANS must be smart to know that since they did not want the Congress, the BJP has come in by default. The BJP has not been given the mandate to do what it wants and what it likes to do with Goa. This is only because our own GOAN house was reduced to a mess of a disorder and chaos that the BJP has walked in easy. Therefore, it is incumbent on GOANS to put their own house in order, make it safe and foolproof and then let us see where the outsiders like the BJP, the Congress, the Trikamtel Congress ( of West Bengal) and the Charade that is called the NCP stand a chance.

Will GOANS please WAKE UP?


PS: Discard this as sheer trash if you feel it is and WELCOME.

Shall conduct Interviews with PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES for all 40 Constituencies of Goa for Elections 2017 starting from May-2012 [Saturdays Only] at Party's City Office, 2nd. Flr. Karekar Bldg, Above Indian Overseas Bank, Angod-Mapusa. For further details call 9890470896. Let us endeavour to set up GOA'S effective High Command in Goa. Thank You. www.goasu-raj.org

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