By Yoginder Sikand; dated: 19 April, 2012 (4400 words)

My Comments:

This article is a must read for all the social activists, not just in India
but all over the world.  The really visible ones are those who have made
social activism as a business for themselves, and a means of their
livelihood.  They are the ones who keep travelling all over the world, and
the ones whom the media, the government, etc., often consult to get 'expert'
views on the subject of their supposed specialization.

What the author has said is as follows:

*       Social activists divide the world between the oppressors and the
*       Social activism has actually become a profession and that it pays
handsomely.  They are actually living off the problems of the oppressed.
*       The professional social activists also come from within the
oppressed groups. They too are paid handsomely, and are today living a life
of reasonable luxury.
*       These professional social activists get invited all over the world
to tell others the problems of the oppressed.  
*       The professional social activists have, in blaming the problems on
others, have acquired a negative set of mind. He says, "(M)any
'progressives' and 'radicals' were horrifically negative as human beings,
many of them being irritatingly obnoxious, judgemental, cantankerous, dour
and sullen."
*       The problems identified by the professional social activists are not
all real.  Some are imaginary and some others are self-inflicted.
*       The professional social activists are not permitted to talk about
the problems within the oppressed groups.  And if anyone did, he will be
accused of being an agent of the oppressors.
*       Also the social activists "simply couldn't see or find anything
worthy at all in 'upper' caste Hindus or in Americans, and, if you did, your
sincerity and commitment were gravely suspect."
*       In mentioning about the money received by the professional social
activists, the author has exposed the funding agencies, who seem to swallow
the line taken by the activists in blaming others for the problems.
*       The professional social activists indulge in hollow rhetoric.

In the recent past, in different parts of the world, the professional social
activists have been confronted with a demand that they offer solutions and
not just narrate problems.  This is because those that the activists
identified as oppressors were not viewed by the oppressed as being
oppressors.  As one of the comments, posted to the article, says: "As
someone who considers myself a progressive, I too have wondered at times how
everyone we oppose - Hindus, Jews, Americans, capitalists - pursues positive
actions and are the ones who build up the world while we seem to want to
smash what they do without trying to understand them. I have wondered many
times why every position I have is based in hatred for the other group and
in negativity and not in constructing something new that adds value to the
world.. I have sometimes wondered how the groups we hate live in peace and
harmony for the most part while we permanently seem to plan a violent
revolution although we blame them for all wars and riots."  

The social activists were so busy wallowing in their negativeness, and
spewing hatred against the supposed oppressors, that they have no time to
see what is happening at the ground level.

Sadly, the article ends in a negative note.  He has decided to cop out,
rather than fight the professional activists with the same energy that he
expended in fighting the 'oppressors'.  Another comment to the article says:
"After your self-awareness moment - the least you could do is to try and
remove the poison that you have spread all around the place."

Interestingly, most of the comments on the article are supportive of what
the author is saying, and that the commentators would not be classified as
progressives.  In fact, some of them would be classified as belonging to the
oppressor groups.  There are hardly three or four, out of some 40-odd
comments, that are available that are made by those from the progressive
group.  Except for one, quoted above, the others have condemned the author
for expressing his angst.

Yet, the author has felt it necessary to offer an 'apology and
clarification' of what he wrote.  This is available at:

In it, he has offered an apology to the members of the progressive group
(namely, the professional social activists) for giving 'ammunition' to the
oppressed so that the arguments of the professional social activists can be
exposed.  Little does he realize that what he has written is what those
identified as oppressors is what the latter have been saying for many years.

In his original article, the author has mentioned that speaking about the
issues that he has done will mean a sort of ostracisation form the
progressive group.  This is an example of what can truly be called
intellectual terrorism.  But in giving the apology, he has shown that he is
not able to stand up to this terrorism, when directly confronted.

One does hope that the professional social activists in India, and their
supporters all over the world, seriously dwell on this article.  There is a
need for enduring solutions to the problems being faced in India.  The
professional social activists have nothing to offer in this endeavor.




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